Chapter 33 - Letters sent

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Third person's POV

It was quite unusual to see such a house, or mansion, in the forest. It was majestic as it's white facade shone through the green surroundings. On the outside the house looked like a modern miniature castle. The black roof was almost as spotless as the marble stairs that led to the front door. The are around the house was mostly grass, but a small gravel path led up to the stairs from the path in the woods. On the outside the house looked majestic and elegant.

The inside was a completely different story. It looked like something from the eighteenth century. There was no sign of modern technology, nor was there any modern decoration. The living room was filled with scattered papers. The floor, the couches, the shelves. Paper was everywhere. It was almost hard to imagine what the room looked like without the paper. There was something in the room that made it different from the others. There was a small sign of today's technology there. Photographs with blazing colors. Not only five or ten, but maybe fifty. They weren't all original, some were copies of original photographies. Something was very obvious to whoever saw them. The main characters of the photographies were a young girl and a young boy. They were both brown haired, although they didn't share many other similarities. At least not any that could be seen in the photos. 

"I can not afford you going rouge!", a women's voice rang through the house. It was shrill and obviously aggravated. It came from a room on the second floor. It looked like a study, but at the same time it seemed to be a bedroom. There were bookshelves filling all the walls, and a huge desk in the middle of the room. In one of the corners there was though a bed and a night stand. The room looked weirdly decorated, things were just thrown in it looked like. 

"I am not going rouge! I am only making a move, something you are afraid to do", an irritated manly voice answered. It was just as loud as the first one, only because of the deepness of the voice it sounded richer. He was standing with both hands on the desk, leaning forward and staring down at the woman he was currently fighting. She looked to be in her late twenties while he looked younger. He could have just turned twenty by the looks of it. 

"I had a plan! It was perfect! We agreed on me taking the lead, didn't we?", the woman yelled as she got up, knocking down the chair behind her. The man hit the table with his fist in frustration. He did not feel as if the woman's anger was necessary.

"Your plan was never a real plan! You don't have the guts to do what you have to do! If it wasn't for me you would have never even thought of any of this. You are not the leader, and we both know it", the man sneered. The woman took two strides towards the man and stopped right in front of him. Then she looked up at him with her small eyes. They seemed to grow into slits every time she was aggravated, the same way she was at that moment.

"If I hadn't been here the kids would have blown you away immediately. You are just a little irresponsible child that know nothing about any of this", she responded with her head held high, her voice suddenly cold and threatening. The man didn't seem to catch up on this though. He huffed and smirked tauntingly at her. 

"A child? That was not what you thought last night", he taunted before dragging a hand through his hair. He was somehow unable to see the true rage that was building up inside of the woman. It was too late for him to take back anything anyway. The woman's actions were already decided. 

"If I ever see you act outside the plan again I will personally make sure that you suffer a horrific death." Then came a slap, so hard that it rang even outside the room. It echoed through the house.

On the outside everything still looked as siren as earlier. No one could have ever guessed about the two people arguing on the inside. No one could have ever even imagined what evil lived in the house.

Amanda's POV

The weekends had been filled with me studying, but I had finally taken a brake. It was sunday afternoon and I was chilling in my room with Allison and Christina. We were keeping to ourselves but it was still nice to have the others in the same room. 

In front of me laid a letter. It was the first letter that I had gotten in a while that had actually made me happy. It was from Rose. Even though we had seen each other only a few weeks earlier I was still missing her. At least I only had to stay until summer. I didn't think that I would have to go to Hogwarts the next year. That was also sad in it's own way though. I wouldn't be able to hang out with my new friends. I wouldn't be able to be with James. 

I shook away the thought and focused on the letter again. With excitement I picked up the letter and opened it. Immediately I recognized my best friends handwriting. Without much thought I started reading.

Dearest Amanda!

There is something I have to tell you. Both you and I know that the people I trust the most in this world are you and Gwen. I can't tell Gwen this, she would go mad!

At the new year's party I was going outside for some air when this gorgeous guy came up to me. We started talking and he was really nice and cool. The last two weeks we have been meeting up and I guess we're dating. The reason I can't tell Gwen is because... Well, he is a few years older than me. Gwen would never approve of me meeting with this guy, but I really needed to tell someone.

His name is Dominic and he goes to Uni in London. He has really dark hair and dark eyes. At first I thought that he was some sort of mysterious stranger. He really isn't though. He is the sweetest guy ever and he treats like I'm a queen. I wish I could tell you more, but it's so hard to put emotions into written words! I will tell you more the second I get the opportunity. 

Love, Rose

Rose's words brought a brilliant smile to my face. The fact that her life was normal and that she so clearly was falling in love made me happy. I wanted to be there to experience it with her, but I was also happy that Rose had told me. Even though I wasn't there, she still saw me as her best friend. She still trusted me just as much. 

"Guys! Come over here", Christina called, taking my attention  away from the letter. I hurried over to Christina's bed and sat down together with her and Allison. 

"I got this letter from my parents telling me that if I wanted to bring my friends on our trip to Paris this year I totally could. You won't have to pay or anything!" Christina hadn't seemed finished, but that didn't really matter. Allison had attacked Christina in a hug while thanking her over and over again. Once Christina succeeded in getting out out Allison's hug she turned her attention towards me. 

"I take that as a yes from Allison, but what about you?", she wondered. I sighed internally. Truth be told, I wanted to be as happy as Allison and just tell her yes in glee. I didn't know if I would be able to do so though. There were multiple reasons to why I might've not been able to come. After that school year I wouldn't be going to Hogwarts anymore, which might've meant that I would have to cut the cord between the friends I had made. There was also the problem of me not being a witch. There were so many different scenarios where that might get discovered. I couldn't have that though. 

I also think that  Allison and Christina already think of you as their family.

The sentence that Scorpius had said suddenly appeared in my mind. He had been right. They saw me as family, and I couldn't just cut those cords. We wouldn't be able to meet as often after the summer, which was a very valid reason to actually go to Paris. 

"I will have to ask my parents and see, but I'll do what I can to make them say yes", I told both of the girls with a wide and happy smile. They both answered my smile and we joined together in a hug. Going to Paris didn't seem that bad. I would have to ask my parents, but I didn't really care about what they would say. Did they not want me, I would live without them. It was simple as that. I would live with people who cared about me, no matter who they were and no matter what trouble would come with it. I wanted to have these people in my life and therefor I would do what I could to keep them there. Even if it meant that I might would have to tell them that I was a Muggle.

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