Chapter 49 - Not As Planned

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Amanda's POV

The others had wondered where we were going when we had suddenly decided to leave. James had been quick to answer, while I had not even had the time to try and figure out something clever to say. His excuse had been "Sorry but we don't want to spend out whole time together with a bunch of kids." It had been quite clever. Not really a lie, not telling the truth, not acting suspicious. That was truly the best way to do things if you didn't want to seem suspicious. 

"Do you think this will work?", I wondered while walking next to James on our way to the place where we were supposed to meet Dominic. Our hands were entwined and there wasn't a millimeter that separated our arms. 

"I hope so, although who knows? I don't want be sure or hope. If I believe that this will go the way we want it to I can only get disappointed", James explained. I nodded my head in agreement. I had also felt the same way when I had been thinking about it. Believing in things were dangerous if you weren't sure about the thing actually working out. 

"What do we do if it doesn't? What happens if we fail?", I asked and then bit my lip. Sure, we had talked about how dangerous it was if we failed and that there might be death involved. I just didn't know exactly what would happen if we failed. I didn't really know how wizard fights played out.

"Let's not talk about that. It'll be harder to be brave if we think about what will happen if we fail." I looked up at James and noticed his serious expression. The tightness of his jaw and the wrinkles in his forehead were dead give aways to his feelings. It was even easier to see how he felt when he usually looked so relaxed and calm.

"At least it'll be over either way. No more worrying after this", I spoke and closed my eyes while continuing on with walking. I didn't want to die, but if there was a chance to end all the suffering I had been through I would risk my life. I was on my way to risking my life. Hopefully it would be worth it.


"I'll be hiding over there. All you need to do is lure him out and then I will surprise hex him. When he's harmless we can take him to the castle and then McGonagall will handle him", James told me in a reassuring voice. We were near the forest and it was maybe twenty minutes until Dominic would be there. I was nervous and James could probably notice that. The way he looked at me and spoke I could tell that he was trying to calm me down. It wasn't working, but I was doing my best in pretending it would. 

"Alright. Now, go and hide so that he won't see you. If he's early we need to be prepared." James agreed and went towards the tree line. I saw him disappear between leaves and such. Then I was alone. Alone and waiting. Soon I would face my fear and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. It didn't matter though, because I had to be ready. 

I stood there while waiting for Dominic. It was kind of nerve wrecking but at the same time I felt adrenaline flow through me. It was as if I was going to jump of a plane, not that I had ever jumped from one. I did however imagine that the feeling I had inside mirrored the one I would have if I was ever to do so. 

While trying to be discreet I glanced towards the trees where James was. I still couldn't see him but reminder that I wasn't alone made me a little bit calmer. That was until I heard leaves rustling. It came from another part of the forest. My head immediately whipped towards the sound and I saw how a dark haired guy stepped out of the forest. There were bags under his eyes that were impossible to miss and he had something about the way he studied things that made me uneasy. I didn't need to doubt for a second that he was Dominic. Still, it was strange that someone only a couple of years older than me was so wicked. 

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