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"Noha-" Nathalie started, voice high and pleading.

"No," she cut in, remaining vigilant, unwilling to back down. "I'm not doing it without you guys".

Y/n leaned back on the bed. "This is the world cup, bro. There's no opportunity as big as this one".

"I don't care," Noha replied. "No opportunity is big enough if I'm unable to do it with the people I care about". Despite how nice the sentiment was, the three of them couldn't allow their best friend to pass up this chance.

"This isn't about friendship, it's about taking the chances we've got," Jules snapped. She couldn't imagine why Noha was being so stubborn about this. None of them would blame her for doing it, they'd cheer her on infact.

Noha looked up at her: "Well I'm not taking this one".

Jules and Noha stared each other down for a moment, the air got heavy, thick tension filling the room. Eventually their eyes broke apart, faces softening tremendously. "I don't want to do this without you guys" Noha whispered. "I can't".

A groan broke through the room. y/n jumped up like a kangaroo: "God, this is so dumb, my birthday is in a month. A fucking month." y/n hisses, slamming her fist down on the bed.

"That doesn't matter, as long as we're seventeen while signing the contract, it's child labour" Nathalie sighs, she's had to repeat this for the third time now.

"Which is bullshit!" y/n and Jules shouted.

Pent up and frustrated, they clench their fists tightly. Y/n, Jules and Nathalie never thought being seventeen could bite them in the ass so painfully. But it has. Auditions for a brand new cheerleading competition for the world cup have opened and they have what it takes. The talent, the drive, the motivation. They genuinely believe that they're qualified.

That didn't matter though, all of them except for Noha can't participate. That stung like a bee, the only thing in-between their dream was a few months. A stupid technicality.

Suddenly, Nathalie's phone buzzed. slowly, she picked it up and read a message. After a while, her lips morphed into a crooked smile. She laid back on her chair and laughed.

The rest gazed on worriedly, wondering if she'd lost it again.

"I did it! I found it!".

Concerned gazes were all she got.
"Found...what?" y/n asked, scared to know the answer.

"A solution" Nathalie breathed out.

Everyone leaned in, letting what she said register. "A solution?" Noha repeated, the words themselves sounded ridiculous on her tongue. Nathalie nodded enthusiastically, letting out a high pitched squeal before settling back down.

"Okay, to start off, this solution is kinda illegal and totally punishable by law". They raised their eyebrows before shrugging it off. At this point they've already done their fair share of shady shit. "Don't care, what's next?" Jules replied.

"We'll have fake identities".

They all blinked. "What?".

"So my sister got her friend-" she checked her phone again. "-Gernald, to make fake ids for us right?" Nathalie then winced "But he apparently got into a motor accident and lost some of his hearing, so..." she turned her phone over to them.

On the screen was a picture of four cards, their fake ids. They looked legit: a serious photo, the belgian coloring, but-

"Linda falsey" y/n read, mouth coming down into a disgusted frown. "Nevermind, I'd rather die than go to the world cup as a Linda".

"Oh shut up, Linda's not that...Venus the carry!?" Jules opened her mouth up in shock. y/n burst out into laughter, Linda might've been the name of a middle aged mom, but at least she wasn't named after a fucking planet.

"Noor P'hoere" Noha felt almost dissapointed. "It barely changed" she mumbled.

"Naraiha Welfmami" Nathalie said with finality.

She looked each of them in the eye. "As soon as we get accepted, we'll no longer be 'us', alright? We'll be legal adults brimming with potential and out to win the cheerleader cup".

"Bro, this is like some FBI shit" y/n marveled. "Alright, aside from that, let's
make up a believable backstory. Just in case anyone asks any questions".

"I can't believe we're doing this," Noha sighed. "This is insane, we're absolutely insane".

"Who cares? We've got a dream and we're following it. Now let's head to the studio".

Everyone agreed with Jules' words, smiling along to the speech. This was it: the beginning of a dream, the start of a journey. They'd show the world what they've got. With boundless potential and an even bigger amount of motivation, the dance world was in for something huge.

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