3: Day6: Dopil

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I stare up at the stars on my ceiling, feeling the heaviness in my heart. It's been kicking my ass lately, the depression. I rarely get out of bed. I haven't showered in I don't know how long. My stomach feels sick from how little I've consumed.

The thoughts flash behind my eyes every moment they can. Every moment I'm not distracted. I don't want to be here anymore. The only thing keeping me going is Wonpil.

"Good morning, sunshine," he kisses my cheek. "Today is bath day. I know you haven't showered in a bit, so I've run you a bath with salts. Come on."

A small smile reaches my face. I love him.

He helps me sit up. Static clouds my vision for three seconds before clearing up. I'm led to the bathroom of my apartment where a bath with bubbles awaits me. Candles are lit away from the tub. It smells so cozy.

"You can get undressed. I'll be right back to help you clean up." He kisses my cheek again, softly squeezing my upper arm.

I love him so much.

As I lay in the tub, he comes back with a tray. Of food, specifically. Eggs, bacon, and toast.

"I made you some breakfast, too. I figured you mind as well be hungry after getting washed up. Sitting in the warm water and eating sounds nice."

His smile is so bright.

"Where's the- oh, got it," he giggles, holding up the loofa. "Are you comfortable with me washing you? I can just do your hair."

"...i-it's okay."

I love him.

"Okay. Arms up! You're my little baby today. All mine. I get to take care of you."

His smile never falters.

He feeds me, too. Once we're done washing. He doesn't ask or question. He waits until I speak up by myself. Bombarding with questions is never the best choice.

"Pillie..." I grasp his arm once he gets up to put a movie on for us. He stops, looking back at me. He waits patiently, knowing what I needed before I said anything. "I... I love you."

He turns around fully, embracing me. "I love you, too. I'm always here for you."

The warmth behind this hug is... just euphoria. Pure happiness. I love him to death. He's mine. He's all mine. How did I get so lucky?

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