2: Stray Kids: Minsung [Platonic]

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Minho tears the skin off of the inside of his cheek, slipping off his shoes. He switches to the other side, anxiety unconsciously making him pick at himself. He trudges to his room, throwing his bag on the floor and lying face first on his bed.

Today was bad. Not even bad, it was horrible. The choreographer was such an asshole to him today. The two were going over some new dance, but the elder wanted it to be perfect.

Minho was doing it perfectly. The instructor himself was having a rough day and could only see the minor flaws. One person having a rough day usually tends to make someone else have a rough day.

He screamed at Minho. Cussing at his poor dance skills and asking how and why he was the leader of the dance group. Minho had never heard a staff member speak to him in such a way. He wasn't sure if he should tell someone or leave it be. Either way, his day wasn't great. There was no fixing that.

Minho groans when his phone dings with a message. He reads it silently, noting that 3racha were on their way home. That's right. They were on their way home at two in the morning. The instructor was so keen on perfecting the perfected that he had Minho stay until it was ungodly.

Everything the instructor had said was harsh. Minho couldn't get the words out of his head. He had the urge to cry, but he couldn't. He doesn't cry and he doesn't need to now.

He's not one to ask for help. He is the help. He's the second oldest. He doesn't go to people for help. He rarely even goes to Chan since the eldest is always stressed out himself.

His thoughts drift to Jisung. The younger may be crazy sometimes, but he's a good person. The two are like soulmates, maybe without the romance. Best friends can be soulmates. The younger would always attach himself to Minho, knowing the elder didn't like to ask for affection.

Minho gets up and takes a shower before going to the kitchen. He had to skip dinner because of that damn asshole. As he opens the fridge, he realizes that they haven't been shopping in awhile. At least at their house.

He trudges to the door, putting on his shoes and not thinking about grabbing a jacket. He goes over to the other dorm, Hyunjin sleeping and the others close to home.

Minho roughly shoves his plate of leftovers into the microwave. He'd buy the four dinner if he accidentally ate one of their dinner's, but right now, he could care less. He was emotional. Knowing that he was emotional pissed him off.

He jumps when he hears the door open. The small talk the three were making made Minho want to leave immediately. His anxiety was up and he didn't want to be around people.

"Hey Min. What are you doing over here?" Chan smiles, noticing something off about the younger.

"Just getting some food. Lix and I have to go shopping tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. How was your day?"

Jisung and Changbin come in, smiling at the other. "Hey, hyung."

"It was fine. Just long," Minho shrugs, trying his best to be nonchalant about it.

"Yeah, hyung, you're still up. How long were you practicing with the new instructor?"

"Till one-thirty."

"You told me yesterday it was only till six."

"Yep, I did." Minho grabs his food out of the microwave and scoots past to the living room. He eats in silence, letting his thoughts suck him back in.

"You okay, hyung?" Jisung comes over, reading him like a book. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."


The other two come over with their own food, turning on the tv. Minho finishes, but doesn't move until his quick heartbeat forces him up.

"Going to the bathroom real quick."

But instead, he heads over to Jisung's room. He whips out his phone, asking the younger to come there. As he waits, he sits on the oh-so familiar bed with his face in his hands.

Jisung comes in quietly, shutting and locking the door. "Minho, what's wrong? Tell me."

"The instructor was horrible to me. He made me stay until it was up to his standards even though it was already perfect. He was cussing at me and telling me I shouldn't be apart of this group since I was so bad. I... it was just awful."

"Hold on, he was swearing at you? What the fuck? You need to tell the manager so he can get that guy fired. That's not okay."

Minho just shrugs, hoping Jisung would get the hint. The younger looks at him with a twinkle in his eye.

"Is it okay if I hug you?"

And Minho breakdowns, latching onto the younger quickly. Jisung just holds him, rubbing his back and saying nothing. Minho was an affectionate person, whether he liked hearing it or not. He needed affection to feel okay. Words of affirmation were alright, but they were nothing compared to touch.

"I've got you, hyung. It's okay," Jisung whispers once Minho's cries had slowed down. Even wanting to sob his heart out, he kept it inside, only letting tears flow down his cheeks.

"Sorry. I just- sorry. I should get back to my dorm and go to bed. I'm really tired."

"I'll walk you over. Do you want to tell Chan or should I?"

"You can. I don't really want to think about it."

"Alright, I will. And hyung? You are, by far, one of the most talented dancers I've ever seen. We are so proud to have you in our group. We wouldn't be Stray Kids without you. You complete us."

Minho smiles at that, giving the younger one more hug before standing up. With that, the two walk over and Jisung bids the elder goodnight before storming into Chan's room.

Sorry for requests taking so long (this isn't one). I haven't written in awhile and I have no energy or motivation to•

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