5: Stray Kids: Chanminsung

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I turn on the bath water, sitting on the edge of the tub. The water was steaming, the mirror already to fog up. I run my fingers through the water, pouring in the bubbles as comfort. Once it's almost full, I turn the faucet off. Standing, I begin to undress. I'm only pulling my jeans off when my foot gets caught in the material. Loosing my balance, I fly backwards, feeling water surround me and-


"Oh my god, Chan!" Someone screams, but I'm underwater..

My body is cold, almost numb. I slightly turn my neck, a sharp pain shooting through it. I don't try to move it after that. My back is being pressed up against something sharp. It hurts, yet I'm so numb. Someone's hands were then under me, lifting me away. Goosebumps rise on my skin, forcing shivers out.

"Baby, are you awake? Can you look at me?"

I try, knowing that my boyfriend is holding me. My vision is blurring and the world is spinning.

"What happened? Oh, hell..."

Minho gazes at me with intense worry, not responding to my question. He looks up at Chan, directing him to get towels and wrap me in them. The towels provide warmth almost immediately. My back is still so sore. It almost feels like I have a giant bruise.

"What hurts? Is it your head?"

I groan softly. "No, my neck and back. What happened?"

Chan comes over and grasps my hand. "We came home and found you unconscious in the tub. It looks like you fell and hit your head. We don't know how long you've been in there."

"Come on. We have to get him to the hospital."

My eyes widen, suddenly aware. "Uh, no. Um," I rub my eyes, shivering heavily. "I'm okay. I fell. That's all. If I feel worse by tomorrow, we can go. I don't want to go and end up being okay."

"Baby, you could have a concussion, pneumonia, something that's broken-" Minho tries to reason, but I shake my head.

"Nothing is broken. I can feel that much."

"...okay. But you better tell us if something doesn't feel right. Let's get you to the bed. You're freezing."

Sorry for not updating in awhile. Just have a lot on my mind and struggling a bit mentally•

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