13: Stray Kids: Minchan [Platonic]

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The members all sit at the kitchen table, eating their dinner Minho had prepared. The elder had been going through a rough time without anyone knowing. Managers getting on his ass, instructors insulting his dance formation and style, etc. etc.

Minho had yet to tell his leader because he didn't want to bother him with something he could fix. If he wasn't dancing well, he'd fix it. If he needed more lessons, he's do it. Pleasing the staff was all he wanted to do, not cause trouble.

"Hyung, it's really good," Felix smiles, looking at how out of it Minho was.


The others had figured the dancer had a rough day or maybe he was just tired. It wouldn't be long before half of them would go off to their own dorm, so maybe Minho would open up in that short amount of time.

"Anything happen today?" Chan questions, wanting to get his friend to talk. The eldest looks over to all of his friends, not wanting to single Minho out.

Minho didn't answer, expecting someone else to. It was silent. He looked up just to see everyone's eyes dart away from him.

"What is it?" He asks, suddenly feeling insecure.

"Nothing. I just asked if anything happened," Chan shrugs.

"Why did you guys look at me like that?"

No one responds, unsure of how to do about it. Asking if he was okay could overwhelm him. Someone needed to get him alone. But who?

"You know what? Whatever," he grumbles, standing from his seat and walking to his room. His plate hadn't been touched.

Chan sighs, rubbing his temples. "I'll go talk to him. See what's up. Just eat, yeah? It'll be okay."

Chan doesn't expect to hear hiccups outside of the bedroom door when he goes to knock. Frowning, the rapper knocks three times before opening the door.

"Leave me alone," the dancer states coldly, mild congestion heard in his voice.

"What's going on, Min? Talk to me."


Chan sits on the bed, having some space between them for fear of making the other uncomfortable.

"You've been acting off for a few days now. Are you feeling sick? Did something happen? I'm your hyung. I want to take care of you. I can only do that if you tell me what's wrong."

"Leave me the hell alone, Chan."

"Not until you answer me. You can't just push me away. We're a team. We're a family."

Chan tries to wrap his arm around Minho, offering physical comfort just in case it could help the younger break down his thoughts. What he doesn't expect is the dancer to push him off harshly.

"What do you not get about leaving me alone!" He yells. "Stay the fuck away from me!"

Minho storms off, tears trailing down his face as he walks down the hallway to the front door. The others are staring at him with wide eyes, having heard his angry words. He slips on his shoes and coat before slamming the door behind him.

"Chan?" Changbin stands, being the next oldest so wanting to help take care of things. Chan walks out, a look of defeat on his face. "Hey, you okay? He's just emotional right now. Let's give him some time to cool off. He'll be back soon."

Chan nods, sitting down to finish his food. Worry gnaws at his heart, but he can't do anything about it.

"We'll give him an hour before we call and go out to look for him."

Everyone nods.


Minho trails the streets with his arms crossed, trying to keep in his body heat. He didn't expect to cool off so fast temperature wise. He also didn't mean to blow up on Chan, but the elder just wouldn't leave him be.

He understands wanting to know what's wrong. He can't tell them, though. Why not? They usually tell everyone everything. They are a family, just like Chan had said.

Minho is one of the hyungs. He needs to show his young friends how to be an adult. How to solve problems without any help.

As he thought it over, the night grew on. The others' worry became more apparent. The final straw was when Jeongin yawned. It was too late. Minho had been gone for too long. They were all tired, but couldn't sleep without knowing their friend was okay.

Minho's cellphone rings in his pocket, to which he answers guiltily. "Hello?"

"Where are you? Are you okay?" Changbin questions, unsure if Minho would be willing to talk to Chan after yelling at him.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Minho sighs, looking around his environment. "I'll be on my way home soon. Can I talk to Chan?"

"Here he is."

"Hey, what's up?"

"I'm really sorry for going off on you. I shouldn't have done it, and I promise it won't happen again. I'll tell you my worries next time."

"I forgive you," Chan smiles. "I'm sorry too, for pushing. I should have given you space."

"That's alright."

"Are you coming home now? It's really late."

"I am."

"Can you tell me what's been troubling you?"

"Just stressed out. Staff is getting on my ass about deadlines and our instructors have an issue with my dancing."

"I can always go over with you and see for myself. Instructors want us to be copy robots. They don't understand we all have our own style. And staff, don't worry about them. I'll talk to them. If they have a problem, they should be coming to me. Deadlines are not for you to worry about all by yourself."

"Thanks, Channie. I'll be home soon."

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