14: Stray Kids: Jisung

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Each member gets a new schedule for the week. They all consist of recording times, lessons, practice, studio work, interviews, show appearances, you name it. Usually, it's all the same. Some days hectic, some days more laid back.

The youngest member of 3racha gets his schedule, frowning down at the paper. There wasn't even an hour in between his schedules. It was straight from something to something with maybe twenty minutes in between.

How could the managers do this? Did they fuck it up? Did they accidentally mix it with someone else's? This didn't seem real. The only time schedules looked like this was during comeback season, but then everyone's would be like that.

Jisung heads to his manager, questioning the elder about it. It just didn't seem right. Yet the manager said it was correct and apologized for how busy the younger would be.

To say Jisung was in disbelief was an understatement. He knew he'd have to plan ahead now, making sure he had enough water and snacks in his bag to keep him going.

As he left the meeting room with Changbin, he was distracted with planning. If he had lessons from eight to ten-thirty, he'd have forty minutes to grab a quick lunch. Forty minutes was the longest time he had between scheduling.

This is seriously so stupid, he thought. What was his staff thinking? Why all this week?

As he's walking back to the studio, he gets a call from the manager he had just talked to.

"Jisung, can you meet with staff at 11? We have some scheduling to go over with you," the manager speaks over the phone.

Jisung agrees, walking on his way to the studio with Changbin. The elder glances at his friend, oblivious to the harsh schedule he already had for the rest of the week before the call.

"Aish, this schedule is going to kill me," Jisung grumbles, already fixing his lunch plans in his head. He had already planned his day out so he could take care of himself, but this sudden meeting is messing everything up.

"Don't worry. You'll be okay. It's just the week, yeah? Work hard and it'll pay off."

Jisung nods, knowing his hyung had no idea how much shit was taking up his time this week. They get to the studio, Chan already there. The next few hours are grueling, lyrics being rewritten and thrown out and fixed up. Tracks are being made, background vocals are added, and the three members working productively.

Just before 11, Jisung gets his things together, informing the two of his departure. He'd be back later or at least see them at practice.

"Good morning, Jisung," the staff greet, all smiling and having a relaxed aura to them. "We wanted to talk about your schedule. It's already filled up, so I regret to inform you that we have more interviews to add in. Deadlines are coming up, so we need this done on top of your regular schedule."

They slide over the new and old schedule. The times overlap. What the fuck?

Jisung sighs, rubbing his temples. The staff looked regretful to tell him this. "My schedule is already filled to the brim. How am I supposed to make it to the interviews? The times overlap."

"I'm sorry. You're going to have to figure it out. You can work with us tonight on fixing it. You might have to stay later for your vocal training or recordings. That'll help ease the day."

"Yeah, it will, but-... okay. Fine. What time should I call you to fix this? I have practice and lessons today."

"Let's see." They look at the papers, frowning. Everyone knew they'd be cutting it close to Jisung's regular schedule. "How about six? That's between your lessons and practice. It'll give us enough time."

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