17: Stray Kids: Minlix [Platonic]

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As I sing my lines, the room starts to spin. It had already been blurring, but the spinning was new. I thought I hadn't slept well last night; that's why I was so tired.

"Oi, you okay, Lix?" Chan calls through the mic, noticing some swaying.

"Mm, yeah, sorry. Just tired."

"Okay, let's just finish this and you can go."

I smile at him, giving a thumbs up. Push this energy out, the last bit, then I can go home. I can do this. It's not a big deal. We've all recorded when we were exhausted; this time isn't different.

It takes fifteen minutes for me to do it all right, but it comes out good. I grab my bag, taking my time in leaving. There's no rush. I just need to get back to the dorm.

Once I step outside, the wind swipes at my face. I groan, grasping the sides of my arms and speed walking home. This walk is going to suck.


By the time I get home, I'm trembling. I set the bag of soup on the counter, opening a can and putting it on the stove. Jeongin texted and asked if I could pick up some soup because he wasn't feeling well.

I knock on his open door with my foot, a glass of water in hand and a bowl of soup in the other. He sits up, rubbing his eyes and thanking me for the food.

I smile, going back to the kitchen to clean up my mess. My bones ache as I wash the pot. I close my eyes, a headache sitting at my temples. What's wrong with me? I lean against the counter, drying my hands without finishing the dishes.

It's all spinning. I honestly don't know how I'm still standing at this point. I'm not sick, am I? I felt fine earlier. How did this suddenly come about? It doesn't make sense.

I grasp all of the solid objects I can to try and reach my room. I only make it to the couch. I lay down, closing my eyes. Fuck.

"Lixie? Hey, you okay?"

"...hyung..." I weakly call, opening my eyes. Minho is kneeing beside me with a frown. "I don't feel well."

He puts his hand against my forehead, grimacing at the temperature. "You're hot. I'll go get the thermometer. Do you think you can make it to your room?"

I nod without confidence. I sit up, already feeling worse. Once I stand, I have to gain the energy to lift my legs. The hallway is right right there, Felix. Grab the wall.

I do, and when I do, my legs melt. I begin to sink, but Minho grabs my waist, pulling me along quickly to my room.

He helps me in bed, rushing off and coming back with multiple things in hand.

104°F (40°C)

Not good. Not good at all.

"Here, take these fever reducers. Are you hungry? Do you want to sleep?"

"I, um, I just want to sleep. I can't eat right now."

"Okay, Lix. Call me if you need anything. I'm right outside. Do you need something before I go?"

"Can you... can you stay with me?"

He smiles softly, a teasing smirk ready to pounce, but it's held back. "Yeah, of course."

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