23: Stray Kids: All In

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A/N: Another story I can't write because I don't have a story plot nor do I have motivation. Here is what I think the kids would be like if they were girls in high school LMAO not actually, but ff, yk?

- changbin "whoa, nice tits", flusters seeing felix
- changbin giving jisung pep talk "your tits are hot"
- minho: "i'm on my period, i can't do gym"
- felix = super feminine (skirts, chapstick, etc)
- jackson wang big ass party

• chan - D = DAMN | Chrissy
• minho - C = cute | Minhee
• changbin - DD = whoa | Binsu
• hyunjin - flat | Hyuna
• jisung - B = insecure | Jisoo
• felix - A = aGiveMeAShowMommy | Lily
• seungmin - A = aCanISuckYourTiddies | Suyoung
• jeongin - B = buh | Jeonji


Binsu's eyes practically pop out of her head when the front doors of the school open. In walks the Aussie herself, Lily. Fuck, she's absolutely gorgeous. Binsu didn't give a flying fuck that Lily was as flat as a wall; her light, almond skin shines brightly in the dim school lights. Perfect. Her skirt flutters near her thighs, giving small peaks of the skin underneath. Her lips sparkle with the newly bought cherry lip oil, making them soft and kissable.

"You're drooling, you dumb bitch," Minhee scolds, snacking her friend's shoulder.

"Shut up. You're just jealous," Binsu turns to her, slamming her locker shut and putting her hands on her hips.

"Of what?"

"Leave the girl alone, baby," Jisoo giggles, coming up behind Minhee and hugging her. "Let her live her lesbian dream of kissing Lily. Have you even seen her? She's beautiful."

"Hey," Minhee pouts.

"You're a goddess, my love. She doesn't compare to you." Jisoo kisses her girlfriend's cheek, nuzzling her nose into her neck.

"That's what I thought."

"Girls," a booming voice attacks their senses. "Watch that PDA or else I'll send you to detention. You don't want to go back there, I'm sure of it, Lee Minhee."

Minhee tears away from Jisoo, grabbing her bag and walking away without a word. Binsu looks at the teacher, rolling her eyes. "Why do you have to be like that, Pen? She's gone through enough."

"Binsu, I don't want to hear it. And it is Ms.Oh to you, girl."

"You're a fucking bitch, you know that?" Jisoo growls, defending her girlfriend at all times.

"Han Jisoo, detention after class."

"Fuck you."

Jisoo grabs her bag, swinging it over her shoulder and racing to get to her girlfriend. Ms.Oh leaves as well, writing down the detention slip on her clipboard.

"God, what climbed up her ass and died?" Hyuna scoffs, having watched the scene from afar.

"I don't know. I hope the other two are okay. She always likes to pick on them because they're together. It's so homophobic. I wish the school would do something about it, but we all know that we'd get into more trouble since they're all assholes."

"Fucking hell. Should we go check on Minhee?"

"No, I think Jisoo has it handled. Let's get to lunch. Chrissy is probably waiting."


Minhee sits at the lunch table cuddled into Jisoo's side. She has her head down, taking small bites of whatever her girlfriend puts in front of her face.

Minhee has been sent to detention quite a bit for her back talking. The teacher they call Ms.Oh always has a comment to make about the girl. The younger has more of a sensitive heart than people realize. The homophobic comments hurt, especially since her brother practically disowned her after finding out. Her parents are completely okay with it and the entire family was confused as to how her brother came out to be the way he was.

"Hey Lily," Chrissy smiles, patting the seat next to her. "I like that skirt. Is it new?"

The younger Aussie smiles. "Yup! Just bought it last weekend. I've been dying to wear it."

"It's gorgeous. Binsu, what do you think of it?"

The called out girl immediately flusters when put on the spot. "Uh, it's very pretty. The color goes really well with your skin tone."

Everyone stifles their laughs. They all knew about her crush on Lily, but the two girls were oblivious to the other. It was painful to watch, but incredibly amusing.

"Oh, thank you," Lily smiles, biting her lip and rubbing her skirt fabric in between her fingers. The urge to check her own pulse was strong, but she didn't want to make a fool of herself.

"Hey girls," Suyoung greets, setting her bag down and wiping sweat from her forehead. "It's so fucking hot out. Gym is killer."

"Make sure to drink water. Don't want you passing out or anything," Chrissy nods, patting the girl's shoulder.

"I will, mom."

"It's mommy," Jeonji corrects, winking at her girlfriend. "Hi, Chrissy." She sits on her lap, pecking her cheek.

"Hey, sweetheart. How was your test?"

"Good. It was kind of easy. Made me worry that I was being overconfident with my answers."

"I'm sure you did great."

"Thanks," Jeonji smiles, taking a bite of her food. "Mm, this is good."

"What is everyone doing after school today?"

"Baseball practice."



"Grocery shopping."


"Detention?" Minhee frowns, having missed the entire incident after she left. "How?"

"Called Ms.Oh a bitch and said fuck you. I'm sure it'll be a real kicker later on," Jisoo shrugs, tightening her hold on her partner. No one was going to speak to Minhee like that.

"Baby, why? You could've just ignored her."

"I'm not going to let her talk to you like that. She's a fucking homophobic bitch. I don't care if I have detention for the rest of the year. You're worth standing up for."

"Wait, what happened?" Chrissy asks. The rest of the group was beginning to get pissed off.

"Ms.Oh called us out for kissing and hugging in the hallway and then personally attacked Minhee with detention and reminded her of what happened last time."

"Min, you should talk to your parents about her and complain to the school board."

"No, it's fine. They won't do anything."

"You'd be surprised," Hyuna states, crossing her arms. "Fucking bitch. I hate her. Please just talk to your parents. She can't talk to you like that, no matter how homophobic the school is."

"I'll try."

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