~ Chapter 1 ~

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Chapter 1
Wednesday August 3rd 2018
Lennon's POV

The mornings never got easier.

No matter how many times my alarm would go off at 5:00 AM, getting out of bed never was any more appealing than it was the day before.

The photograph that sits on my nightstand greets me each and every morning, and despite how much it breaks my heart, nothing in me wants to turn it face down.

Getting out of bed, my feet connected with the carpet in my bedroom, and I tiredly rubbed my eyes and yawned as I fumbled my way through the dark to my bathroom. Doing my best to step over the piles of laundry I haven't gotten to yet, and the toys that didn't belong in my room.

"Ow!" I groaned, my left foot stepping on a bath toy before I could turn the light on and figure out where I was going.

I hate the mornings.

Carefully now, I moved my hand around the wall trying to locate the light switch, satisfied when I turned it on despite it blinding me at the crack of dawn. Without surprise, the bath toys were still strewn all over my bathroom floor from when I ran out of time last night.

Last night, I completely forgotten today was the first day of school, and last minute decided that bath time needed to be had. It was a good idea, but was executed awfully. I was exhausted, and didn't have enough fight in me to make sure the toys remained inside the tub. The bathroom floor now stained with rubber ducks and puddles of water.

All that now needed to be taken care of before I could head off to work.

Quickly, but tiredly, I wiped up the different puddles of water on the floor with a towel, and threw the misplaced bath toys back into their designated bucket on my bathroom organizer. It didn't take long, but I could just feel the exhaustion radiating off of me and I knew I would need tons of coffee to get myself through this day.

Looking in the mirror, all I saw was a mess that needed to be fixed in the next 20 minutes before I get dragged every which direction. My hair was thrown up in the messiest bun I've ever seen, my undereye bags were more prominent than ever, and I wish I could remember the last time I was able to shower for more than 6 minutes before chaos ensured.

I was completely and utterly tired out.

Starting with my hair, I untangled all the pieces I messed up during my sleep, just to throw it up again in a ponytail. I would never have enough time to curl it like I would want to, and quite frankly I didn't have much motivation to keep up with my appearance right now.

Right now I had to focus on simply surviving.

My skin care regimen and make up was done quickly, but enough to cover up all the fatigue that was evident on my face. Whatever helped people ask me less questions. It's only been a couple months, but I can't stand the constant questioning and whispers.

After doing all other morning necessities such as brushing my teeth, applying deodorant, and putting my scrubs and shoes on, I was ready for the second part of my morning to begin. Glancing quickly at my phone for a time check, I groaned loudly seeing how little time I had left before I had to be out of the house.

The morning routine in this household was completely thrown out the window earlier this year, and it's just been constant confusion and insanity ever since. Yet, I couldn't find enough strength in me to fix it.

I Placed my phone, keys, and wallet on the counter by the front door, so I wouldn't forget them when it was time to rush out of the house in 30 minutes. Then, it was finally time to wake Theodore up.

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