~ Chapter 58 ~

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Chapter 58
Sunday January 1st
Lennon's POV

With the sound of the fireworks erupting in the background, Harry had his lips on mine. The feeling of his hands all over my body made that butterfly feeling return. It was like going back in the past to all the other times we shared a New Years kiss.

There was the risk that Theo could wake up at any moment and find us in the middle of the living room, but neither one of us found it within ourselves to care.

The risk was worth taking.

The kiss began to take my breath away, a feeling I've been longing for. Harry's hands started to grip at my sides, harshly, as his tongue started to make an appearance.

I tugged on his curly hair with my hands, and he started to walk us backwards towards the sofa. Slowly, he lowered us down onto it, my back connecting with the soft cushion material, and his chest collapsing onto mine as he laid down on top of me.

He lowered his mouth to my neck and attached his lips onto it, sucking on just the right spot that always used to make me go wild. This brought back so many memories and made me realize how much I missed Harry in this way.

"Is this okay?" Harry murmured to me, pausing momentarily with his kisses to ask the simple question.

I nodded my head, and then he continued on with the action. I was enjoying myself way too much for him to stop and Harry always knew how to make me feel good inside.

His one hand ran its way down my stomach to the bottom of the sweater I was wearing, and he rested his hand on my stomach underneath the soft fabric. A feeling that was all too familiar and felt good.

I decided to be a little bold and pulled him back up to me and connected our lips, which I knew took him by surprise since I've been a little hesitant when it comes to our intimate moments lately. Right now, I just didn't care where the night took us.

"Oh" he whispered, a shocked tone against my lips, before latching them back onto mine. I chuckled back into the kiss.

Our lips continued to move in perfect sync, only growing more passionate and exciting as time went on.

His lips returned to work on my neck for a few moments, before he lowered his head down and kissed the valley of my chest. This action took me by surprise but I liked it, this felt right.

I was reminded of his lingering hand near my waist and said to him "You can take it off", which I know caught him off guard but I was comfortable in this space with him.

However, he didn't waste any more time and started to peel the sweater off my body, leaving me in only a black bralette. His eyes stared down at my chest, capturing the view he missed all those years.

I looked down at him and realized what was happening, and it suddenly hit me that this was real life.. Me and Harry were making out and touching each other like teenagers again. Part of me was thinking was this the right thing to do and the other part was letting go.

I think Harry noticed the flash of questioning across my face, because he paused and asked "You okay?"

I gave it a moment of thought and nodded my head to answer his question.

"We can stop Lenny, it's okay" He said, not fully believing my nod.

"I'm okay, promise" I whispered, moving my hands to fumble with the first button of his black button down shirt he was wearing.

Button after button I started to undo, and the shirt hung loosely on his shoulders. My eyes wandered to the tattoos that were across his stomach.

Maneuvering around to get the shirt off his body, I then discarded it to the floor where my sweater also laid. The two of us were now shirtless and breathing heavier on top of one another.

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