~ Chapter 4 ~

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Chapter 4
Friday August 5th
Lennon's POV

I very rarely go on social media.

This is probably the first time in several months I've scrolled through my feed, simply because the twins are taking their morning nap and as much as sleep is desirable right now, my body simply wouldn't let me fall back asleep. I think I'm becoming over exhausted and it's causing me more trouble. Instead of sleep, I opted to just lay in bed and try and relax.

Yesterday, my mom didn't leave until 4:45PM when I had to go pick up the kids from school. That just means that for over 3 hours my mom watched like a hawk as I cleaned every inch of my house. I will admit my house probably looks the nicest it's looked in 6 months, but I would've appreciated some help rather than judgmental staring.  However, since my house was spotless, that actually meant I could relax when the babies were relaxing.

I took a shower and actually got the opportunity to shave my legs. That's as much as I needed to feel a little bit better for the day.

My time alone lasted about an hour and a half when the sounds of one baby crying instantly urged the other to cry along with them. I tossed my phone to the side and headed over to the babies rooms, their cries getting louder and louder as I approached them and opened up their bedroom door.

"It's okay, I'm here" I cooed, and leaned over Delia's crib. Without fail, her cries subdued and the cutest baby smile you'll ever see appeared on her face. Once she was settled and no longer fussy, I go over to Atticus's crib and lift him up. "Hi baby"

As always, he didn't stop his crying until he had a fresh diaper and was out of his little sleep sack. Then it was Lia's turn, so I placed Atti down on the baby play mat so I could tend to my other baby. Once both of them were satisfied and happy, I felt like I could breathe again.

We had about half an hour before they would start fussing for another bottle, so in the meantime I sat down on the carpet with them and entertained them with the countless amount of toys they had.

Their favorite activity was to play peek a boo, giggling every time I would remove my hands from my face and "scare" them a little bit. They've only just started learning how to laugh in the last week or so, Atticus doing it a little stronger than Lia right now. The sound of baby giggles is something so pure, and it just sort of brings you back down to Earth and remembering the simple things about life. I've always had loved kids, and wanted to be a mom, but the sound of your child giggling for the first time just makes it almost more real in a sense.

We played peek a boo, and rattled their other toys until their little laughs turned into small cries insinuating they were ready for a morning snack. I transitioned the babies from their play mat in the room into their little bouncy swings, so I had both hands free to make their bottles. Plus, they drink their bottles in those swings most of the time anyways because I'm always rushing around doing 8 things at once.

I put on a little baby educational video for them to just glance at as they drank their bottles, as opposed to just staring at the wall which seemed boring. I propped up a blanket underneath their bottles, since they both aren't advanced enough yet to hold it up for themselves, and let them enjoy.

While they ate, I decided that it would be a good day to get out of the house. We really needed to buy some groceries and rather than taking a weekend trip with all 3 kids, including Theo's grabby hands to all the snacks he sees, it would be much easier to just take the babies.

Gathering stuff ready to get us to be ready to leave, I made sure the diaper bag was fully stocked, and then I grabbed cuter outfits for them to wear since they were still in their pajamas currently.

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