~ Chapter 12 ~

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Chapter 12
Monday August 22nd
Lennon's POV

It's been a week since my mom had last unexpectedly showed up at my house and made probably the most hurtful comment that I've ever heard her say to me. I remember just standing in the middle of my living room in shock at the disgusting question that left past her lips with no idea of how to respond to it.

I'm well aware in the differences my mom and I have, mostly about how I've chosen to "Go on" in the last several months, but I never thought she would stoop even lower and insist that I just 'get over' the passing of someone I deeply loved, and someone Theo admired. Especially when Hudson was the partner of mine that my mom actually liked to be around.

I, of course, had things I wanted to say to my mom as she stood there, hands upon her hips, disapproving pout on her face. However, I didn't muster up the courage to actually force the sentences out of me. It was probably better that I didn't...with Theo standing there and not wanting to initiate a huge argument, it was better that my lips stayed sealed. Truly the last thing I needed was another reason for my mother to blacklist me and stand there even more disappointed and disgusted than she already was.

Of course, my silence was just another invitation for her to continue on with her life like she didn't just send deep feelings of hurt and betrayal through my body. She went on to discussing something else that I was halfway listening to, and I took some deep breathes to compose myself and make it look like everything was perfectly fine.

Theo, luckily, didn't catch up on the now tension and awkwardness of the situation, and I continued to push through it so he never would. I absolutely refuse to argue with anyone or show signs of it in front of Theo.

Which is how my mom ended up staying for just about 4 hours that day, all while Theo and I decorated his cake, insisted he ate an actual lunch before she let him eat his cake, and well until after the twins woke up from their nap. It was a rough couple of hours, but I kept going through it and the kids didn't suspect a thing.

"When's my birthhhday mommy?" I was stood behind the counter using the skillet to make grilled cheese for both Theo and I. When I got home from another long day in the ER, Lyanna informed me that Theo didn't eat much of the food from his lunchbox, but that he had a big dinner and has still been asking for some snacks. Which is how it's bedtime and we're now cooking instead of actually going to sleep.

"October 8th" I responded.

"When dat?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"In about a month and a half. You'll have to start thinking of what you want for your birthday soon"

"I know what I want!" Theo lit up, and started tapping my leg excitedly.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm, I had a slight feeling of knowing what request he was going to hit me with once again. A dog. "What do you want?"

"I want daddy to come back down from the stars and go to the park with me"

His answer caught me off guard.

I was not expecting him to ask me for just about the one thing that I cannot give him.

I would've even slightly considered the dog.

My head now felt clouded, and like I wasn't even focusing on what I was doing anymore. The recurring theme of Theo saying things about his dad that I didn't know how to answer was one I was not prepared for. I didn't even realize that I was frozen in place until I finally felt the sensation of my hand feeling like it was on fire began to hit me.

"Shi-Shoot!" I gasped.

The pain coursing through my hand caused me to flinch and snap it away from the pan as quickly as possible.

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