~ Chapter 59 ~

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Chapter 59
Wednesday January 4th
Harry's POV

Like every other night of the week nowadays, I was at Lennon's house. It's become so frequent that Jeff asked me the other day if I was even still living in his house because he rarely sees me anymore. I mentioned to him that it probably is a good time for me to find my own place, but he assured me that I can stay with him as long as I need. I didn't want to be a bother though, I know he worries about me, especially more so in the last two months because of my relapse.

Speaking of, I've been doing okay. I'm almost 2 months sober now, and I've been doing what I can to stay on top of myself and try to avoid making another mistake like I did back then. It's been just as difficult as the first time, because once I had those drinks, the feeling of longing for them was prevalent in my mind again. I've had to work just as hard as I did the first time to get this far.

Lennon also has been helping me. She texts me during the day often to check in on me, which some people may find annoying, but I can't help but smile every time her name lights up on my phone. She sends me pictures of the kids often as a cheer me up if I'm honest and tell her it's been a hard day. On New Year's Eve, she brought over Capri suns for us to drink and I made a joke asking if we were 5, but I realized moments later it was because I couldn't have champagne like many other people on that holiday do.

"Theo, your mom said to go get your pajamas out" I looked at our 4 year old. Lennon had told him to pick out what clothes he wants to wear to bed tonight while she started setting up the bath for the kids, but Theo didn't budge and just continued to play with his toys.

"But I don't want to go to sleep. I want to be with you" Theo whined, inching closer to me.

"Okay fine" I shrugged. Sorry Lennon, but I'm not denying that.

It wasn't long until Lennon joined the kids and I back in the living room. "Theo, bath time"

"Oh! I like baths" Theo jumped up from the ground, tossing his toys to the side.

"Where's your PJ's?" She asked, taking notice of his empty hands.

"In my room" He answered nonchalantly.

"Okay" She sighed. "H, will you watch the twins for a few? Then we'll switch"

"Yeah of course" I agreed, always willing to help her out, especially when she asks for it. With a wave, Theo and Lennon disappeared down the hallway to her room and I was left with the babies.

Luckily tonight, Delia has managed to avoid calling me Da. I knew that it was slightly messing with Lennon's head to hear Lia calling me that, and I completely understood why. For Lennon's sake, I hope she's done calling me that because I don't want to upset Lennon or anything.

We're in such a good place recently, and even with how much I love Delia, I can't have her ruin this for me.

I focused my attention on the babies, they were teething again which was making them quite crankier the past few nights. Right now they were both chewing on every thing that they can find, so we've given them some teethers to help soothe their pain and it seemed to be working decently.

I couldn't believe how big they were getting. They were still smaller sized babies, Lennon said they were still measuring slightly behind because they were born prematurely, but the difference from when I first met them to now was a lot. I couldn't believe it's been about 3 and a half months since I first met Delia, the time when Lennon and I were talking and she woke up from her nap early to join the party. It's crazy to think how far all of us had come.

Atticus threw his teether to the side, scooting himself over to the couch and using it to pull himself to a standing position. I've never seen him do that before so my eyes widened.

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