~ Chapter 11 ~

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Sorry to "comeback" with such a short chapter, I was on vacation but I missed posting and writing so much.

Chapter 11
Wednesday August 17th
Harrys POV

Being back in the acting world is definitely a different experience and life than the one I've lived for the last several years. Of course it would be, being holed up alone in a house is the complete opposite of standing in front of a group of people with cameras surrounding you at every angle.

Waking up whenever I desired has returned back to 4am call times. Comfortable athleisure around the house has transformed into set costumes. Food delivery to the house is now a buffet for the entire cast. Doing whatever I wanted now has changed into the director telling me where to stand, how to look, what to do.

I enjoyed it though. Acting is always what I've wanted to do, and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it during the time I took off from the world of fame and media. There's just something so captivating about getting to play a person that you aren't, and put yourself in a role that you've always dreamed of. Not many people can say they were a marvel superhero, or fought in a war.

Honestly, I was excited to jump back into my old roots. Filming movies is one of my favorite things to do, and I did feel a bit lost without it. It's my passion, and anybody would be upset over not doing the thing that they loved anymore.

On the upside, just about the only upside of me falling off the face of the earth for years, is that now when I'm coming back to filming Don't Worry Darling, nobody knows I'm even a part of this project. The media and film world has gone crazy about Florence being the main star of a utopian thriller, playing the 'unknowing' wife to her husband, Jack Chambers. Except the film world just can't quite figure out who has the lucky role of Jack. Everyone has been throwing names and guesses out there, but they're all unbeknownst to who really has been casted.

And the answer is me.

Olivia has kept the cast a secret, the only reason everyone knows Florence is the star is because the two of them agreed it would be the right move to announce Florence's role in the movie. To be completely honest, it's worked. Everyone loves Florence and immediately was hooked on wanting to know the plot of the movie, when it's coming out, and other minor details.

Olivia has been amazing at working with me and my odd situation through out the entire time I've auditioned for the movie, and so on. When I told my manager I felt I was ready to reach out to Lennon, and get back to work, he had searched around for movie plots and jobs. It took me reading multiple scripts and picturing myself in the role until I stumbled upon the role of Jack Chambers. Instantly, I felt some sort of gravitational pull to the movie and when I recognized it as the same one that led me to my other projects, I knew this was the one I wanted to pursue.

My manager reached out to Olivia through email stating he felt he had the perfect guy for her character, but if she'd be interested and willing to meet up in person to explain any further details. Luckily for me, Olivia agreed, and my manager explained the situation to her over a cup of coffee. Olivia let him know that she hadn't started her quest to fill the role yet, as she was focused on making sure she had the perfect Alice, but if I would come in the next day and audition she would be open to that.

That night I rushed to make sure I would do my best. It had been a long time since I'd auditioned for a movie, and I felt the pressure was on. Just by practicing my lines in Jeff's living room, everything was becoming more real. The fact that I was actually preparing for an audition, and would be reaching out to Lennon was inching closer and closer. I don't even know how late I stayed up that night reading and re-reading the script, or how many cups of coffee I drank to get through it, but the next morning at 8 am I was there getting ready to impress Olivia.

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