~ Chapter 55 ~

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It's Christmas show day :)))
Go to my twitter @harrryshome for pictures of the kid's outfits ❤️

Chapter 55
Thursday December 15th
Lennon's POV

Today was Theo, Lia, and Atti's Christmas show at their school. Theo's class was assigned the costumes of being Reindeers and singing Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. He's been practicing the words every day after school, as he said he needed to make sure he didn't forget them. The baby class where Lia and Atti are in are going to be a mixture of gingerbread cookies and elves.

I had bought the kids costumes through the ones the school had available for purchase, and let's just say I have the cutest gingerbread, reindeer, and elf to ever exist.

I was also excited to just go watch their little performance. It's the first time they've done something like this as they weren't really in daycare before this year, and to moms these things just mean the absolute world. I wasn't exactly sure how the baby class will be participating, but I'm curious to find out.

I was in the midst of getting ready to leave right now. This morning, I woke up feeling better than I have in the last 10 months. The motivation to actually dress nice for their performance was there.

I dug through my closet and the pile of clothes that haven't been touched in months. The dresses in the back of my closet that haven't been touched since last year were on the tips of my fingertips as I looked through them. I couldn't even recall off the top of my head when the last time I wore a dress was.

It was bold for me to pick out a dress, not that it was a fashion statement or something out there, but it hasn't been in my comfort level for a while since I've been dressing very lazy. I settled on something red, to show the Christmas spirit. I've been trying to enjoy the season of my favorite holiday, although there's still something missing in the back of my mind. Although, Harry's been doing his best to fill my favorite time of the year with cheer.

It was a tight long sleeved red turtleneck dress that had a little bit of puffy sleeves that cinched at my wrist, a bow around my waist, and then flowed out on the bottom half. It stopped just above my knees, so it wasn't awfully short, but I'd still be careful.

I looked at the time and saw I still had a while until I had to leave, so I headed into my bathroom and decided I might as well freshen up a little. I still didn't feel like wearing a full face of makeup, but I splashed some water on my face and then applied a little bit of mascara to make my eyes stand out more.

I untied my bun and let my hair fall down past my shoulders, taking a look at the mess that occupied my head, I knew I couldn't keep it like that. I opened up my bathroom drawer and grabbed ahold of my straightener, another item that hasn't been utilized in a long time.

I sectioned off pieces of my hair and began to use the heat to straighten out my waves. It took about 20 minutes for it all to be finished, but I was happy with it. I put on a couple more rings alongside my engagement ring, and then a pair of small earrings to finish off.

I walked back into my bedroom and looked at myself in my full mirror, and I didn't even recognize myself.

Even without lots of makeup, I felt like I looked like a total different person than the one I've been since Hudson passed away, or even before I got pregnant with the twins since I rarely got dressed up with them either. It was weird to see myself in a nice outfit and my hair done, since it isn't something I've done in such a long time.

Then I remembered that I needed shoes, and I definitely didn't feel like wearing heels to a children's performance, so I just put on some sandals and called it a day.

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