~ Chapter 47 ~

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In honor of Harry being 30 here's your third chapter this week :)

In return you should follow me on twitter ya know ? @Harrryshome


Chapter 47
Wednesday November 9th
Lennon's POV
*I fear yall are going to hate Lennon this chapter*

Harry relapsed.

And I was mad about it.

I believed him when he told me he was sober, I trusted him when he said he wouldn't go down this route again. Was he just telling me what I wanted to hear this entire time?

Was this the first time this has happened? Or has there been other times he's gotten drunk, this time it just was too much? Have I been missing something this entire time?

I refused to go through this situation again with him. It ruined us the last time, and it probably ruined it again this time.

I'm not allowing Harry to continue to be in Theo's life if this is what's going on.

I hesitantly opened our life up to him again, and he let us down.

This isn't something that I just can excuse. I don't want to put my kids through anything else, and I can't allow Harry to be around us if his addiction isn't as under control as he's made it out to be.

Especially when I know how badly it broke us years ago. It was a couple months of constant fighting, arguments, and nights when Harry would come home so drunk that I didn't know what to do with him. His drinking was taking priority over his family, and I sat back and watched our family fall apart. I refuse to go through that a second time.

Have I missed it all again this time? Have I been so focused on wanting this to work for them that I neglected to see his addiction right in front of my face? Did he manage to clean up nice enough the two times a week I saw him to fool me?

I feel like a horrible person for doubting him, but I couldn't help it. Harry has put me through enough struggling and I'd be damned if I let myself go too far with him again and be broken again. Knowing what I know, it's hard to not feel the doubt creeping up on me.

I let him back in because I honestly believed him when he claimed that he worked on himself and had become a better man, but was I blind? Was I naïve like my dad had said I was?

Was everything that Harry has told me since that day in August been a complete lie?

I felt myself starting to spiral, my brain clouding with thoughts. I found a nearby supply closet and closed myself in it, dropping to the floor and bringing my knees to my chest in a fetal positon.

Maybe my dad was right.

Harry can sell a story.

Harry's an actor for crying out loud. Maybe this whole time he's just been playing a part to my face just to go home and be exactly who he was 3 years ago.

He knows exactly what to say, he knows the faces to make, and he knows how to convey his body language. He's done it a thousand times, he's practiced it even more.

Acting is his whole job. He made a career out of being believable.

Harry knows how to make the audience believe the role he's playing. He can be a psychotic husband, a war hero, a marvel superhero, a regretful father who wants his child back.

Portraying a part is what he knows how to do best.

And that's never scared me as much as it does now.

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