~ Chapter 6 ~

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Chapter 6
Harry's POV
*this chapter changes dates*








"Harry Styles not set to take on any upcoming projects in the new year"

"Mega moviestar Harry Styles to take an indefinite break from acting"

"After multiple award winning projects, is Harry Styles going to leave acting for good?"

"Harry Styles and girlfriend Lennon Alito SPLIT"

My life used to be filled with this kind of stuff. Cameras and bright lights shoved in my face every night. Headlines and news stories about what role I would be taking on next. Rumors or lies being plastered all over the internet. Most of it was all bullshit, just countless and unnecessary noise and uproar to get people to click on their article. Everybody wanted a hit story, and they would say whatever they had to say in order to get the views.

Until it wasn't all bullshit.

It was a lot to deal with, and unless you've lived it, you might not even understand the extent of every move you make being watched. People ready to scrutinize you for what you wear, who you're with, how you perform, it gets to be too much sometimes.

Especially when it seeps deeper, affecting more than just you. When it spreads to your family, your friends, your partners, it starts to take a toll on them as well and it isn't fair. Being in the public eye feels like someone is constantly watching you with a magnifying glass that you just can not get away from.

I've done my best to ignore it all and live a life that's divided between work and personal. I keep quiet and do my projects to the best of my ability, I grab my awards and go home, and I don't go on social media that often. Despite all of that, the tabloids and media still do their best to get people talking.

It was frustrating sometimes. Feeling like I was doing everything I could to protect not only myself, but also my loved ones, and it still not being enough. It was painful, seeing the looks on their faces when a ridiculous rumor about one of us would be spread, or the people who claimed to love me the most disrespected some of my favorite people.

That's why I felt like I had to leave it all behind.


I visited Lennon's house every single day and every single day she turned me down.

I expected it, and honestly I expected a lot worse. I was fully prepared for her to start screaming at me, or even throw something my direction if I'm being completely honest.

I know none of me deserves any of her attention, but I really wish I could just have 5 minutes to try and explain everything that happened. If after then she wanted nothing to do with me, I'd have to accept it. She looked me in my eyes and told me everything was okay, and I would have to trust her word and move on.

Even if leaving would hurt as much as it did the first time.

It was my 6th night in a row pulling into the driveway of Lennon's house. It was a little later than I've usually been coming over so I hoped she was still awake, the girl always loved her sleep. I would've been here earlier, but today was my first day back at work and it was a long one.

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