~ Chapter 41 ~

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I posted the first chapter to my new book Code Blue as well! I would love if y'all checked it out ❤️

Chapter 41
Friday October 21st
Lennons POV

The last week and a half has been pretty slow. Harry came over for dinner last Friday and Saturday nights, keeping up our goal of two weekly visits. Theo continued to remain the same with him. He wasn't being as hesitant as he was the first few weeks they met, but he's far from being best friends with Harry. However, we've progressed to answering Harry in simple phrases and sentences rather than one word mumbles and for that I'll call it a win.

I won't tell Harry, but I think the swing set has started to win him over.

We've made good use of it so far too. Last weekend, Theo was constantly asking to go play outside and we spent the majority of our day going in and out of the house for breaks. It was also considerate of Harry to include another swing so that both of the babies can use it at the same time, although I'm still wondering how much he spent to custom build the kids a swing set.

The reason I didn't buy one in the first place was because a good quality one could be a few thousand dollars, and I just didn't want to make that big of a purchase right now. So although I am grateful for Harry's generous gift, I'm also shocked.

I mean, I knew that Harry was well off back when we were together. His work was highly esteemed and everyone wanted to win him over to fill their movie roles, so there was no question about finances back then. But, he gave it all to me when he left, which made me even more curious how he was managing to live back before he got the Don't Worry Darling role.

Aside from that we've just been in the same routine we've been in. I've gone to work which was exhausting, spent the weekends with the kids, and continued to have Harry over. Which is exactly what we were doing right now.

Harry arrived about 20 minutes ago and we were about to get started on making home made pizza for dinner tonight. Theo had been asking for pizza since the minute he woke up this morning, and I was quite tired of buying pizza. That's why after picking him up from school today, I braved the grocery store with all 3 kids to buy dough, cheese, and tomato sauce. Plus, it could be a fun little activity for everyone tonight rather than just having it delivered like usual.

"Mommaaa" Theo tugged on my shirt.

"What bud?"

"I can't get the TV to work" Theo held up the remote and looked at me for help.

"Oh. Okay well we are about to cook dinner so let's worry about it after" I told him. I poured the tomato sauce into a bowl so it'd be easier for Theo to scoop it, and Harry took out the dough and cheese from the fridge.

"Otay. Hawwy eatin too?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah!" I answered. "Let me go get the twins and then we'll make dinner"

I headed back to the living room, and had Theo following right there behind me. Both Lia and Atti were happy to be scooped up into my arms and perched up in their bouncy seats in the kitchen with us. While I was getting the twins, Harry had brought a chair up to the counter for Theo to stand on while he makes his pizza.

Theo climbed onto the chair and was ready to start, so Harry and I stood on either side of him to make our own. However, we only had two rolling pins so we had to take turns. To no surprise, Harry gave them to Theo and I.

We both sprinkled the flour onto the sticky dough, and began to spread it out with our hands before taking the rolling pin to it. I glanced over at Harry who was watching down at Theo with a big smile on his face. His one hand was resting on the counter as he was turned to the side to face Theo, beaming. You could practically see the love he has for my boy just by looking at his squinted smiley eyes.

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