~ Chapter 10 ~

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Chapter 10
Sunday August 14th
Lennon's POV

As a child, our Sundays were always designated family days. It was always something that I've wanted to continue with my kids, and I've done a decent job of it ever since Theo was a baby.

It was really difficult back then, as I was working full time, trying to finish nursing school, and juggle being a mom all at the same time. The mom guilt of never feeling like I was spending enough time with him between work and school always hit me full force, until I would cry myself to sleep with Theo curled up next to me, so it was always important for me to have Sundays.

Then as he got older, they got a little easier. A little bit after Theo turned 2, things started looking up. I had graduated college earlier in the year, and was able to land the job that I'm still currently at. My work/life balance was much more manageable now that I was no longer doing it all on my own and I was beginning my career. Things got more stable, and still Hudson and I continued to keep Sundays for ourselves and our little family.

It was like that for a little while, just the 3 of us going out and exploring new places, taking Theo around to see what California has to offer, watching him learn and grow each and every day. Then, I got pregnant with the twins with morning sickness and constant aches and pains making me want to wither away in bed for days at a time. We still did what we could, but Sundays became more lazy. Still spending time together but now while watching a movie, simple arts and crafts, or taking short walks around the neighborhood for some outdoors time.

During my second and third trimesters we managed to make it out of the house again, whether it was grabbing lunch at the mall, letting Hudson chase Theo around at a park while I watched, or making a trip to the aquarium. At this point, I knew I wanted to spend as much solo time with my firstborn as I could before the twins made their appearance. I was slightly worried about the amount of time I would get to spend with Theo, and afraid it would resort back to short moments like how it was when he was younger, especially when I found out I was having 2 babies.

That's the main reason why I continued to drag myself out of bed on Sunday mornings for an outing, because it was never going to be the same once the twins were born.

Then of course, Hudson passed away and ever since then I've been struggling through all of our grief to make it work. Sundays were back to being lazy movie days, and selfishly hoping the twins would take long naps so I could get somewhat of a break. Those first few months were extremely rough, eventually the days all ran together since I was a stay at home mom to all 3 kids for the first 4 months of their lives.

"Momma?" Theo asked, and pressed the pause button on the TV remote.

"Yeah?" I yawned.

"Can we do somefin?" He tilted his head to look at me.

"We're watching a movie" I looked back at him, and pulled the blanket up higher to my shoulders.

"This the third movie!" He exclaimed.

"Yeahhh. You're right, we should probably do something" I agreed, even though I really did not feel like getting off the couch right now. I felt a little bad that he has been watching TV all morning however. I looked at the clock, seeing that it was currently 11:30. "Why don't we bake something?

"Yeah!" He jumped down off the couch and ran over to the pantry to grab his barstool from it's designated storing spot. Meanwhile, I grabbed the oil, eggs, cake mix, and a round pan. "Where's the whisk mommy?"

"In the drawer behind you" I responded, and grabbed the last remaining things we needed. A bowl to mix it all in, a measuring cup, and some water.

"Got the whisk!" Theo announced, stepping back up on his step stool. "What do we do first?"

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