~ Chapter 7 ~

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Chapter 7
Friday August 12th
Lennon's POV

"You're exhausting, you know?" I commented, my brown eyes connecting with Harry's green ones. His hands folded in his pockets, and my arms down by my sides.

His appearance being very clean cut and put together, and my hair hasn't been washed in a week, not by choice. It's been a week now since he's reappeared into the world and uprooted my life for the second time this year, although it feels like it's been forever that I've been dealing with him.

He was dressed casually, a pair of gray sweatpants paired with a white t shirt repeating the word "vote" in tie dye letters across his back. His hair was more slicked back and styled than his usual curls, and the tattoos that usually are showcased on his arms have now been hidden with costume makeup, obviously for whatever project he's working on.

All he responded with was a shrug.

"When are you going to leave me alone?" I asked, slightly getting more annoyed. This little game he's playing where he shows up every night might be entertaining for him, but I'm not getting any fun out of it.

I have a new life now, I have my kids, I have my own house, and I have my fiancé.


I don't have him anymore. The quick thought of him tore at my heartstrings, but I needed to focus on getting rid of Harry right now. Regardless, my life has strewn far away into something different than the life I had when Harry was a part of it.

"When are you going to sit down and talk to me?" He answered with another question. One that I've already answered countless times since I've seen him. I was tired of going back and forth with him. How many more times do I have to tell him I'm not interested in having this conversation with him before he gives it up?

"I don't want to talk to you"

"Lennon" He sighed, frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair.


"You can't ignore this forever" He commented, once again making intense eye contact with me. All the times those eyes used to meet mine filled with love and fondness, is now changed into desperation and pain. I shifted in my spot uncomfortably, now crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yes, I can. I don't have to talk to you" I remarked.

"Just let me explain" He looked at me with pleading eyes, his words more breathy and pitiful as he went on.

"I don't need to hear it. What happened, happened. Nothing is going to change that"

"Do it for h-" He started, but I very quickly shut him down once I knew what the rest of his words were going to be.

"No. You don't get to do that" I snapped, glaring at him. Now deciding I was done playing around with him for the night, I backed up into my home. His cue that it's time to leave.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I am" He backed up on his words.

"Leave" I ordered "And stop showing up places where you aren't welcomed"

Before he even had the chance to say something else, I shut the door in his face. Just like how he closed the door on us several years ago. The kids were all asleep already, the twins had their sixth month check up this morning and did not appreciate the round of shots they were given, so they fell asleep a bit earlier than usual tonight. Theo fell asleep at his normal bedtime tucked under the sheets of my bed.

I heated myself up some dinner, just some leftover lasagna from when I actually got to cook yesterday night, and put on some "In the dark" to watch as I ate. Curled up on the couch underneath a blanket, I tried to focus on the show in front of me, but I just couldn't.

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