~ Chapter 68 ~

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Chapter 68
Saturday February 4th
Harry's POV

"Hey Lyanna" I smiled at our babysitter as she opened the front door to Lennon's house to let me inside.

"Hi Harry" She smiled back at me, immediately handing Delia from herself to my arms when the baby made grabby hands at the sight of me.

"Dada" Delia babbled, hitting my lightly in the face with her little hands.

"Hi princess" I kissed her cheek. I poked her belly and turned to Lyanna to ask "Where's Lennon?"

"In her room getting ready. She should be done soon" Lyanna answered. "Theo! Come look who's here!"

I heard the sound of a chair scraping across the floor, Theo getting up from the table, and then the familiar sound of his footsteps rushing across the house to come greet me. It's easily become one of my favorite things. Getting prepared for him to crash into my arms, I squatted down on the ground and extended my free arm out.

"Daddy!" Theo cheered, doing just as I suspected and giving me a big embrace.

That's another thing that's become my favorite. Ever since my birthday a few days ago and since I've been wearing the pink family bracelet on my wrist, Theo has been calling me dad often. Occasionally he alternates between that and Harry, but I don't mind that at all. For as young as he is, he's already been so understanding of everything that has gone on, that him calling me by name like he's been used to for the last few months is not that important to me.

"Theo!" I responded with just as much enthusiasm. "What're you doing bud?"

"Eating lunch"

I chuckled, because it's dinner time.

"Oo yummy. What's for dinner?" I asked, but instead he grabbed my hand and started to guide me to the table. Over here, I found Atticus perched in his high chair with no food left on it, but instead he was playing with some toys.

"Mac and cheese, fruit, and a cookie" Theo listed off the components, pointing at each food item on his plate as he did so.

"Looks delicious" I said and sat down next to him. I figured I'd just wait around in here with Lyanna and the kids while I wait for Lennon to finish getting ready.

I made small talk with her, getting to know a little bit more about her since I don't really know her and because we had time to pass. When all the kids were done eating, I went ahead and washed the dishes so she wouldn't feel the need to worry about it while we were gone, and then my beautiful girl finally emerged from the back hallway.

When I came face to face with her, it was just like time stopped as I took in her beauty. She was wearing a skin tight white dress, with giant sections of tan filled with vintage looking flowers, and simple white heels. Her hair was slicked back into a bun and was wearing some accessories to pull everything together. For the first time since I've seen her again, she even had on a minimal amount of makeup, but it wasn't like she needed it at all. The only way that I could put it was she looked flawless.

"Wow mommy! You look so pretty!" Theo gasped.

To make it even better, that smile I love to see flashed across her face. "Thank you baby, you're so sweet"

"You're welcome" Theo beamed.

"Harry? You alright?" Lennon questioned, and it wasn't until then that I realized I was just standing there mouth agape in shock at how beautiful she looked.

"Wow. I uh just. Wow" Was all I stupidly managed to spit out. She really knows how to take my breath away.

Lennon chuckled. "Thank you"

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