~ Chapter 30 ~

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Chapter 30
Monday September 12th
Lennon's POV

"Harry" I said, a bit of a hiccup in my voice. I think I was just becoming overwhelmed by the letters, which is why I picked up the phone before I even finished reading all 7 of them.

"Hey" He breathed out. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine" I sniffled. "Sorry, it's late. I should've waited"

"It's only 9:30. I'm more shocked that you're awake right now"

"Yeah.." I trailed off.

"So why did you call? Not that I'm complaining, just, you wouldn't call me for no reason so I'm assuming you have one" He rambled on.

"Right" I took a deep breath and said the words I never thought I would say to him. "I think you need to be a part of Theo's life"

I heard him gasp on the other end of the phone, and I froze. Both of us are in shock of the sentence that just came out of my mouth.

"Lennon, wait. What? Serious? Are you being serious?" He asked, quickly, excited.

"I-I think you should..."

"Oh my god I'm crying" I heard Harry sniffle.

He sounded so happy.

"I was just thinking a-and I feel like you really regret it...and that you miss him..."

"I miss him so fucking much"

"I can tell... we're different now though. But I really need you to put everything you have into this, heart, soul, mind, everything. I can not handle this getting screwed up for him, okay?" I explained, making it clear to him.

"I'm all in. My heart has always been there"

"You won't make me regret this, right?" I clarified.

"I won't. Thank you so much. Fuck, I'm really going to see him again?" Harry asked in disbelief, and I could feel a sense of peace with my decision hearing how genuinely thankful he sounds through the phone.

"You will. Are you busy tomorrow night?"

"I'm not"

"Okay, good. You can come over. I want to talk to you more about Theo before we actually make it happen. I know we've talked, but I've not really shared anything about Theo and just for my personal sake it would help. Is that okay?" I asked, hoping it wouldn't be a problem with Harry. I'm assuming it won't be since I just granted him access to his most prized possession.

"Of course. Whatever the two of you need to feel comfortable, I'm all there. Theo will be home, is that okay?" He asked, and I noted it was the second time he's asked if I'm comfortable with any of the kids being home while he comes over. It might seem small to someone, but to me it meant a lot. My kids are everything to me.

"Could you come over say 8pm? I'll get home from work and put him to sleep, so I'm okay with that as long as you are" I proposed to him.

"That's great" Harry agreed.

"Okay, good" I bit my lip.

"Get some sleep. Thank you so much. Thank you Thank you Thank you. This means everything to me, more than you'll ever know"

"I'm sure it does Harry" I soft smiled despite him being unable to see me. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight now"

Tuesday September 13th

"But momma I don't wanna go to sleep" Theo whined, dragging his feet alongside of me, blanket and stuffed animal clutched in his arms.

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