~ Chapter 43 ~

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I wasn't going to update today but I missed y'all so here you go <3

Chapter 43
Thursday November 3rd
Lennon's POV

"Look! A duck!" Theo exclaimed happily, pointing it out to Harry and I. The two of us and all of the kids were on a little stroll around the neighborhood so we could get out of the house for a bit. It's been hard to think of activities for us all to do together since we both want to keep Harry's presence unnoticed, and it's boring to just constantly feel like we're stuck inside the house. Also, whenever Harry comes over, Theo just plays independently rather than with him so there isn't much bonding happening regardless.

I also get nervous about taking all of the kids out by myself just because there's a number of things that could go wrong, and I feel like since Hudson's accident I've truly realized how much anything can happen and change your life within moments. I try not to risk it, but sometimes it's unavoidable.

We ate pasta that I had made for dinner, with Harry, and then decided to go on a little neighborhood walk. It's weird to think that tomorrow would mark 3 months since Harry showed up again.

It's even weirder to think about the fact that 3 months ago today, I was just busy with the kids and my grief completely unaware to the events that would happen the next day. If someone had told me that a curly hair British man that left me and I haven't spoken to in years was going to be appearing on my doorstep the next evening, I would have never believed it.

But here we are, celebrating events and taking walks with him.

Life is truly unpredictable.

Lia started babbling at the duck once she got her eyes on it, and I smiled.

"You see the duck baby?" I cooed at her.

"I love ducks" Theo commented, joining us back on the sidewalk so we could continue our walk.

"That's very cool baby" I hummed. I was pushing the twins, and Harry was walking slightly behind Theo so he was close enough if he needed to be.

"Momma!" Theo gasped, stopping in his tracks and slapping both his hands against his cheeks. He bent over to get a closer look at whatever he was so excited over, but I couldn't see anything.

"What is it teddy?" I stopped behind him.

"A worm!" Theo shrieked and tried to poke it with his finger.

"Oh!" I gasped.

"Can we keep it?!" Theo jumped up and down, looking at me with pleading eyes.

I love you Theo, but there's no way I'm having a pet worm.

"Oh..buddy I think the worm likes to be outdoors" I tried to dissuade him.

"But he can be fwiends wif Mr. Worm!" Theo continued, coming over to me and tugging on my shirt. "Pleaseee"

"Baby we can't just take animals from their homes" I ran my fingers through his curls.

Theo looked around. "I no see a house"

"Worms live outside" I told him. "C'mon we can stop at the park on the way home"

Luckily, my bribery worked and we were waving goodbye to the worm. We approached the park a couple minutes later and Theo took off running to the rock climb wall, and Harry and I sat on one of the benches with the twins.

"Olivia wants me to announce my role in the film in January" Harry spoke up.

"Who is Olivia?"

"Director" Harry shoved his hands in his sweatshirt pocket.

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