Chapter 12: No Need to Worry

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Drawing I did of the placement beads. Jus so you can get an idea of what they look like.


Stepping into the shop felt like being transported back in time. Everything here reminded me of my time as a child and brought a wave of nostalgia with it. Sakura looks around the shop in wonder and excitement, taking in everything that was packed into the small space. Itachi stands beside me, still holding onto my arm from when I guided him through town so he could let his chakra rest. He activates his sharingan to see everything in the shop and a smile makes its way onto his face.

Itachi and Sakura go to check out the clothes together while I head over to the cash register where the placement beads are. There in a case behind the counter, purposely made to look like a display and not something for sale. These were something very important to our people and we didn't want ignorant people to be wearing them.

Right now there's no one at the register, something I'm grateful for, allowing me to search for the beads I was looking for. I easily recognize the 'one with two lovers,' this one all three of my parents had. Finding the one for 'warrior' isn't very hard. But as I look for 'healer,' my memory of which one it is has become uncertain. Tears make there way into my eyes, threatening to fall. Everything was still raw, all the pain that had resurfaced and something like this usually wouldn't hurt so bad but it did.

I bite the inside of my cheek until I taste blood, steadying my breathing and stopping myself from crying. Closing my eyes, I take a slow deep breath in and out. I open them again when I hear footsteps coming from the doorway behind the register. It's the owner of the shop and they give me an open smile, exposing there own pointed teeth. They didn't share the blue skin and gills of the Hoshigaki but I could tell they were closely related to the Hoshiki people.

"Good afternoon Hoshigaki-sama," they say. The use of the formal title feels wrong but being one of the last of the Hoshigaki clan, I was considered by many as a candidate for leader of the Hoshiki people. It would never feel right to take on that role.

The use of a formal title has Itachi and Sakura turning there head toward me in question. The attention makes me embarrassed, "I already told you to drop the formal title, Ruka-san."

Ruka rolls there eyes, "Good luck with that."

Itachi and Sakura make there way over to us. Sakura gives me a smile that only means trouble and an unbearable amount of teasing, "Kisame, since when did you get such a fancy title?"

I give Ruka a glare, blaming them for this and they only smile in enjoyment at my torment. I let out an exasperated breath, "Since this person decided that I'm the rightful leader of the Hoshiki people without even giving a thought to my opinion."

Ruka gives me a look, "No matter how much you argue you don't have the right because you don't live on the islands of our ancestors anymore, you will not change my mind. Most Hoshiki people don't live on the sacred land anymore and that doesn't make them any less worthy, you included. It's not about where you live, it's about the blood that runs through your veins."

"We can continue this debate some other time. In the mean time, I'm here to buy placement beads for my lovers, Sakura and Itachi," I say, pointing towards Itachi and Sakura.

Ruka perks up in excitement, clasping there hands in front of them, "What a special and sacred moment for you three. I feel blessed to be the maker of your beads. Which ones are you going to get?"

"We each will be getting 'one of two lovers' and 'warrior.' Sakura will also be getting 'healer,'" I say.

From a drawer on the register counter, Ruka takes out a wooden box and opens it up. Inside are an assortment of placement beads neatly separated in different containers. They take out the ones I asked for and place them in a small leather pouch. Handing it out to me, Ruka gives me another joyful look, "Take them free of charge."

"I can't do that. You worked hard to make these," I say.

"I never let anyone pay for these. If you can't take them free of charge, instead pay me with a favor," Ruka presses on and I finally give in, taking the pouch.

I raise my eyebrows in question, "What's the favor?"

"Haven't decided yet. Saving it for the future. Now hurry off with your lovers, braid each others hair and have some fun," Ruka says, winking at the end.

I flush in embarrassment, "I will, thank you."

Sakura and Itachi follow me out of the shop, sharing looks of amusement.

Making our way back home, we take off our shoes before making our way to my room. The room that once had three separate futons, now has all of them pushed together to make one big bed. I grab a bundle of hair ties and sit on my bed, motioning to Sakura and Itachi to join me.

Once they both sit beside me, I take the leather pouch from my pocket and lay it in the palm of my hand. Opening it, Itachi and Sakura lean in to admire the beads.

"I know you've explained it to us briefly but tell us again what we're supposed to do. I want to make sure we do it right," Sakura says, laying her hand on my knee. Itachi nods and gives a quiet hum of agreement.

"I can't help but feel terrified the person who's hair I don't braid first is going to feel like they are loved less," I admit, the honesty making me feel vulnerable.

Itachi and Sakura both give me an understanding smile. Itachi grabs me by the front of my shirt, pulling me towards him until our lips are nearly touching, his sharingan eyes staring into mine and sending a wave of excitement through me, "You don't need to worry about that. We know how much you love both of us."

Sakura makes her way behind me, her chest pressing against my back. She runs her hands up my arms, one stopping to hold my chest and pull me closer to her. The other hand continues moving upwards into my hair, her fingers running through my hair before lightly tugging at my hair, "We'll braid your hair first. All you need to do is tell us what to do."

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