Chapter 40: The Line Between Right And Wrong

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Following behind Sasuke and Naruto, Sakura stops and looks me over with the eyes of a medic, taking in my injuries and making sure I don't need urgent medical attention. It's the first time we've seen each other since we parted ways that morning in the village. It made me wonder just how long ago that was. Time felt nonexistent out on the battle field and I couldn't tell if we'd been fighting for a day or a month. It would be something I'd make sure to find out at a later time. When this was all over and we were all home safe.

Through my exhaustion and pain I give her a reassuring smile, "I'll be fine here. Do what you need."

Pursing her lips, I can see her gaze on my right leg, taking note that I'm putting more weight on it then the left side, "Your leg."

Setting down Samihada, I ignore the ache in my muscles and the worsening throbbing of my leg as one hand grabs hold of Sakura's hand. Our fingers lace together, neither of us minding the blood and dirt that sticks to our hands, neither of us even realizing it was there, having gotten used to being covered in filth. I give her hand a light squeeze one last time, "Trust me, I'll be okay," before letting go and saying, "I love you."

Sakura's eyes pierce into mine, conviction in every word, "We'll be back soon."

My eyes soften as I look at one of the two people I trust most in this world, "I don't doute it."

Despite trusting the strength that Sakura has and the strength of Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi to watch her back, I can't help the way my heart aches as if a piece of it is ripped away with each step she takes towards the dimension portal Sasuke had just opened - how and when he got the ability to do that is mut point, all that matters is that we win the war. I try to ease my own mind by reminding myself that at least Itachi was far away from the dangers of the front lines. That does little to ease my mind because for some reason the thought seems wrong. Something tells me he isn't safe but I push it aside, not letting myself dwell on it.

Kakashi is the last one to stop in front of me. "Take care of him while we defeat Kaguya," Kakashi says, giving me a pleading look as he hands me the unconscious body of Obito.

I give him a nod, "I will."

Kakashi gives one last look at Obito before running back to the fight. I watch the group all jump through the portal before it closes behind them, leaving nothing behind to show they were once there. Holding the unconscious man in my arms, I take the long trip off the front lines, right leg screaming in pain with each step, and head to one of the medic stations. I enter an empty tent and roughly drop the man on a cot. Obito lets out a grunt of pain and finally starts to wake. A medic nin rushes in after me, ready to offer aid.

Putting my arm up, I stop her from approaching. She jolts to a stop and looks up at me in confusion. All the color leaves her face when she looks up at the dark expression on my face, "Give me an empty needle and pretend you never saw anything. If you even think about speaking a word of this, I will kill you."

Her whole body shakes in fear, as she forces her body to move and remove a needle from her pouch. She holds it out to me and I quickly grab it from her before looking her in the eyes, "Don't feel guilty. This man has slaughtered thousands of innocent people. He is the reason for this war. Tell me, would you ever feel safe if you knew this man was still alive?"

The woman's eyes widen in shock and some of the fear fades. She takes a look at Obito and I can see her caring look turn to one of disgust. She looks back up at me, a false look of guilt on her face, "I have no idea what you're talking about. We tried to save him but there was too much internal damage. He died before I could call for assistance."

I give her a smile of appreciation, "Thank you. Now do you want to leave or help me by holding him down?"

"It is best if I leave now, the less I know the better. And I have a feeling your hate towards this man is personal. I have no desire to steal this moment from you," she bows lightly before giving me a smile, "Thank you for your service." I give her my own nod of thanks and with that she exits the tent.

Stepping towards Obito, I pull back the needle, filling it with air in the process. He fades in and out of consciousness as I grab his foot to hold it still. Pushing the needle in a vain between his toes, I release the collected air into his blood system. With all the pain he's in, he doesn't even notice when I do it. Making my way to stand beside his head, a satisfied smile pulls its way onto my face.

With a gasp of pain, I know the air bubbles have reached his heart. Obito becomes more aware of his surroundings and desperately claws at his chest. I put my hand over his mouth to stop him from calling out as he continues to struggle helplessly. Leaning over him, his eyes widen in terror upon seeing my face, "I don't give a shit what Naruto and Kakashi believe, you don't deserve forgiveness for all the things you have done. No one can save you now."

He tries to resist one last time before falling still. I remove my hand from his mouth and stare at the dead body blankly. Killing him didn't fill the hole in my heart, not like I was ever expecting it to. However it did give me peace of mind knowing he wouldn't be able to harm anyone ever again. Without him the world was a better place, a safer place.

I leave the tent with a smile upon my face, feeling lighter then ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10 ⏰

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