Chapter 22: New Eyes

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Checking the time, I see that I have an hour until I'm to meet up with Kisame and Sakura. The clan head meeting was coming to a close, stress evident in the faces of everyone at the table. It wasn't easy rebuilding a whole village when you didn't even have a house for yourself. The Uchiha clan was lucky to still have there compound, one of the few places to survive. As overworked as my father has been, he looked much better then everyone else in the room. My nights were split between staying at my families house and Kisame's and with each passing day, his house started to feel more like home. 

With the end of the meeting called, the room is filled with the sound of shuffling feet and the sliding of chairs against wood flooring. As I stand, a wave of dizziness passes over me, making me grab onto the table for support. It quickly passes and I'm able to make my way out of the room, down the hallway and into my office. Once I get into my office and the door is shut, I set the stack of papers I'm holding on my desk and collapse into my chair. Cutting off the sluggish supply of chakra to my eyes, I deactivate my sharingan, finally giving myself a rest. The ever present tension headache that sits just behind my eyes fades slightly, becoming just slightly less intense. 

Leaning back in the chair, my eyes fall shut and I allow myself a moment of rest. Things were going good, public bath houses had been set up, everyone finally had access to drinkable water and edible food, and nearly everyone had at least a tent over there heads. Things were better then they were yesterday and that's all that matters. One day at a time. We could do that. We will all get through this. My exhaustion catches up with me and I fall into not asleep but not awake, giving my body the rest it needs while still being able to hear the world around me. When I'm able to muster up the energy to open my eyes once again, I let my sharingan activate to read the clock hanging above the door. Fifteen minutes until I need to be there. 

Making it to my feet, I leave the room, making my way down the stairs of the tower until I'm outside. Main street connects all the way from the main gate to the Hokage tower, the path straighter then it was before the attack. The improvement of the road allowed a good bases to build out from, giving us the opportunity to rebuild the city planning in a way that was set up for rapid population growth, something the old design of the village lacked. As horrible as the attack was, from it, the village could vastly improve. Making my way off main street, I head into the direction of the Uchiha compound. 

I weave my way through the busy house until I make it to my room. Stepping into my room, Kisame is already there, sitting on my bed and taking a look around the room. It made me realize that this was the first time Kisame had ever been in my childhood bedroom. 

Kisame's gaze travels to mine, his eyes lacking the intensity he directed towards most, "Are you scared?" he asks, voice quiet but steady. 

"Yes," I answer honestly. The vile holding Shisui's eyes sits on my desk and I can't even bare to look at it right now. This still didn't feel right. I knew it needed to be done but I hated it so much.

"You're doing the right thing," Kisame says, grabbing my hands and pulling me down to sit beside him.

"It doesn't feel like it," I admit, laying my head on his shoulder.

Kisame pulls me into a hug and places a kiss on my forehead, "I know."

We sit in silence for a while, listening to the busy house around us. Children played loudly outside and people were bustling from the kitchen to the front door. There was so much life and hope that filled the compound. There were families staying in every guest room and tents were scattered between the houses. Everyone was making the best they could out of the situation.

"Have you been sleeping?" I ask, resting my forehead against his as I let my eyes close.

I can feel Kisame's breath on my lips as he lets out a long sigh, "Not any better or worse then usual."

"You and Sakura are leaving tomorrow. Hopefully traveling will help," I say. I was going to miss them but I knew I was needed here in the village. Hopefully they didn't have to be gone for too long. It never felt like we ever had enough time together. Something always comes along and gets in the way.

"I'll miss you so much. Being away is never easy," Kisame admits.

"I know. I'll be here - at home - waiting for the two of you to return," a sad smile pulls its way onto my face.

I open my eyes when Kisame pulls his head away and starts to speak, "Don't overwork yourself while we're gone. You need to take care of yourself to take care of the village."

Sakura steps through the doorway and I can hear the amusement in her voice when she speaks, "The hypocrisy. You're just as bad as him when it comes to overworking yourself." 

Kisame turns his head towards Sakura, "That's entirely beside the point." 

"Mhm, whatever you say," Sakura teases while she steps towards us. Stopping in front of us she leans down and I can feel her smile as she gives us each a kiss on the cheek. Her gaze turns serious when she stands back up and looks at me, "Are you ready?"

I give her a silent nod, my mind a twisting mess of mixed feelings as I mentally prepare myself for what is to come next. 


Taking off the wrapping from around my eyes, it takes a moment of adjusting to the light before I can open my eyes. Once I open them, I look around the room in wonder. There was so much color and detail. Using the sharingan gave you incredible sight but everything was tinted red. It was so much different then actually being able to see.

Looking over at Kisame and Sakura, I can't stop the smile from making its way onto my face. Seeing them filled me with so many emotions, tears start to fall from my eyes.

The two of them sit down on the bed beside me, each putting a hand on my leg. Sakura puts a lock of my hair behind my ear and says, "You okay?"

I wipe the tears away, trying to clear them from my vision, "This is the first time I've ever really seen your faces."

"Pretty gorgeous, aren't we?" Kisame says and it makes me let out a watery laugh.

"Definitely," I answer honestly, taking in every detail of his face and how it looks with the change of emotions.

Kisame flushes in embarrassment, not expecting my blunt response. The corner of Sakura's eyes crinkle in amusement, enjoying seeing Kisame so flustered.

Being able to see clearly again was incredible but also a little overwhelming. There's so much color and texture. Outside was filled with vibrant greens and blues, the wood flooring had so many different grain patterns. The world had never looked as beautiful as it did right now.

"Are you ready to activate your eternal mangekyo for the first time?" Sakura asks. 

The thought was terrifying but I couldn't help the curiosity that started to grow in me. 

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