Chapter 28: Old Friends

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The Land of Iron was cold and miserable. Harsh wind pelted us with freezing snow as we traveled through the trees. The pace we set was quick and fueled by our want to return home.  Meetings had been long and tedious, at times feeling like they were going no where. Apposing views and old grudges got in the way at every turn. The whole thing was utterly exhausting.

Circling my chakra through me to warm my body took more focus then I wanted and I felt envious for Sakura and Tsunade's incredible chakra control. No matter how much I practiced, I couldn't improve past the mediocre chakra control I have now. The only thing I could do was put my trust in Sakura to keep a more keen eye out for possible dangers.

Hours passed with only a few short breaks before the temperature finally started to warm slightly. Snow still covered the land but instead of the blizzard conditions from before, the snow now fell gently, as if slow dancing through the air. Slowing to a stop, the three of us rest and take time to even out our breathing.

Plopping down on a what I hope to be a rock, I remove my hood and turn my head upwards, watching the white puffs of each breath. This sort of snow fall was peaceful and brought me a comfort the snowy months of my childhood once held. The sun had already set, despite it not being that late. It may be the beginning of spring in the Land of Fire but this far north, the long nights of winter still took hold of the land.

Movement from the direction we were traveling from has all of us jumping into action, prepared for a possible attack. Sakura signals, 'Three individuals headed straight for us.' Tsunade and I both give her a nod of confirmation.

The three people headed towards us stop abruptly only a few yards from us. Seeing who they are, I'm unsure whether I should prepare for an attack or not. It was Mei and her two bodyguards. One of which was a young kid and a member of the Seven Swordsmen of The Mist. The other was an older man I recognized as Ao, someone I remember Mei often working with when we where younger.

Tsunade stands confidently with her arms crossed in front of her, "Care to explain your reason for following us. Last time I checked this isn't the fastest route back to the Land of Water."

Mei steps gracefully towards Tsunade and stops just a few feet from her, "I'm here to speak with Kisame." Her voice is gentle but holds a power that could rival Tsunade's.

"What for?" Tsunade asks.

Placing a hand on her hip she gives a polite smile, "Personal in nature. Simply an old friend wanting to catch up. It has been a while," she turns her head towards me and an underlying sharpness can be heard in her voice, "Over ten years, in fact. With not so much as a word."

I tense in fear, she only used that tone when she was beyond pissed. Tsunade gives me a look, asking me if I wanted to talk. All I can do is give her a look of complete panic. Now knowing they won't attack, Sakura moves towards me and squeezes my hand. Her hand in mine calms me and I'm able to think more clearly.

"Fine, you can speak to him," Tsunade says.

"May we speak in private?" Mei asks me.

Tsunade answers for me, "Nope."

I let out a breath of relief, knowing facing Mei with Tsunade and Sakura to back me up would be a lot easier. Mei gives Tsunade a glare before turning her gaze to me once again. She stomps towards me, "Care to explain why you up and left without telling me a thing?! What sort of friend does that?! All these years, you never even once thought to contact me! Unbelievable!"

The yelling pulls me back to memories of The Madam and when she would yell at me. My throat constricts and the tremor in my hands worsens. It was too much. The yelling was too much.

Sakura steps in front of me and sends a glare in Mei's direction, "Care to do this without yelling?"

Mei takes in my response, watching the tremor in my hands and the way I focus on my breathing to keep myself calm. Her brow nits together in confusion, shock, disbelief. I could tell she was trying to wrap her head around why I'd respond this way. When we were younger, I found her yelling amusing. Now, it only sends waves of panic through me.

"Kisame, what happened to you?" Mei asks, her voice softer this time and filled with worry.

My breathing was back to normal but the tremors still continued, "A lot, it's a bit of a long story."

"Can you at least tell me why you left without saying anything to me?" Mei asks, looking defeated. It felt jarring to see such a head strong woman look so torn. I wasn't the only one that had changed.

"I couldn't cope with what I'd done. You say how I fell apart. I didn't think, I just ran, ran away from it all," I answer. Sakura's grip on my hand tightens slightly, a reminder that she's here for me.

"I would of understood you needing to leave but you didn't even leave a note."

"I know. I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to leave without telling you. I wish I did, I really do," my voice was quiet but traveled easily across the silent land.

The young swordsman looked between us all, confusion written across his face as he tried to understand everything that was happening. Ao simply watches with his one visible eye, silent and unreadable.

"Are you happy in Konoha?" Mei asks me.

"Yes, I am. I have friends there and people that care about," I gesture to Sakura with a tilt of my head, "This is my girlfriend Sakura and our boyfriend is back in the village waiting for us to return."

"That's good, I'm happy for you," Mei says, a sad smile making its way onto her face.

She turns to leave but I stop her, "When things calm down, we should meet up and catch up."

Mei doesn't turn back to look at me but I can here the relief in her voice, "I'd like that. Farewell, Kisame."

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