Chapter 7: Family

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From my place on the couch I could hear Sasuke and Sai bickering in the kitchen, the proper way to cut up a carrot for curry turning into a heated debate. Naruto and I share a look before letting out a laugh. It was silly and childish and everything we needed in the moment.

Naruto sits at the other side of the coffee table, and reminds me it's my turn to make a move. I look at the shogi game we're mid way through and realize I'm being absolutely destroyed. The blond had become obnoxiously good at this game and half the time I couldn't even remember all the rules.

I move a piece with a click, "How the hell are you so good at this game?"

A soft smile makes its way onto his face as his eyes fall on the board, "Shikamaru has been teaching me."

"I didn't realize you two hung out," I say, watching Naruto make his next move.

"After Pervy-Sage died, he was the one that really helped me get through it. Ever since we've been meeting up at least twice a week to play. Sometimes missions get in the way, ya know. But there isn't much we can do about that," he responds. The way he talked about his time with Shikamaru was different but I couldn't quite figure out why. 

"How is he, by the way? Since Asuma died," I ask. 

Naruto gives a sad smile, "Things were bad for a bit but he's doing better now. Not a big fan of his new smoking habit, though. It's not good for him, ya know." 

I move my next piece and give the board a forlorn look, knowing my defeat is inevitable.

Yamato looses his patience and scolds Sasuke and Sai for fighting about something so trivial. Once we hear that, the heaviness of the conversation disappears and Naruto and I can't help but laugh. Kakashi let's out a chuckle but doesn't look up from his book when he speaks, "Tenzo brought out the mom voice. Oh how I pity those two if they do anything else to annoy him."

I shrug, "Whatever comes next is there own damn fault."

Kakashi nods in agreement, "Truth to that." 

Naruto's next move further corners my pieces, leaving me with few moves before my defeat. I let out a groan as I look at the mess of a board, "Can I just admit defeat already?"

I could see the blond trying to hide the triumphant smile as I admit my defeat, "Sure. It was a good game."

The humble nature that is present when he plays only becomes more apparent with his win. With the end of the game called, we return all the pieces back to there starting points. Naruto stands up, stretching his arms above his head before speaking, "I'm gonna go help finish up dinner." 

"Have fun," I say before he disappears around the corner into the kitchen. 

Kakashi closes his book and sets it on the chairs arm rest and looks up at me, "So, you're dating Itachi and Kisame." 

I give him a puzzled look, trying to see where he's going with this, "Yes, I am." Worry makes my stomach drop, the fear of disapproval resurfacing. 

"At first I didn't quite understand why you trusted Kisame, honestly it had me a bit suspicious. That changed after I was able to talk to him. He has a dark past but he's an honest man," Kakashi says, giving me a nod of approval. Relief calmed the worry in me. It wasn't what I was expecting him to say and it made me happy he was accepting of me dating Kisame.  

"Kisame never lies about his past but he isn't always up front about it either. There are parts of his life that he has told me he's not ready to share. It can be challenging at times to accept that but I understand. Whatever it is that haunts him, I don't think any of us could even begin to understand it, even if we knew what it was," I admit. 

Kakashi gives a hum and nod of acknowledgment, "I have a feeling he'll tell you eventually. He just needs time." 

"Some times when I watch him, he gets this far away look and this haunted look in his eyes that no words can explain. It breaks my heart," I look down at my hands in my lap as I speak. 

"For many, that's the life of a shinobi," Kakashi says, his own mind wandering. 

"I'm worried about him. He hasn't been himself lately. He tries to hide it but sometimes he flinches away when I go to touch him," I admit, hugging my legs to my chest.

Kakashi gives a look of concern, also worried about the change, "Just be patent with him. There's not much you can do to help until he's ready to share." 

I nod in agreement before changing the subject, "No complaints about Itachi?" I tease. 

He responds with a light chuckle, "There was a time, years ago but not anymore. He's a good man and quickly gaining respect around the village for more then being a powerful shinobi. He's a leader in the making and Tsunade-sama is guiding him well." 

"His battle intelligence is unmatched but he's oblivious about anything else.  I don't think he's completely realized what Tsunade-shishou is doing," I say, finding amusement in the whole situation. 

"The clan heads and older shinobi know what she's doing. They're all in full support of him being next in line for Hokage," Kakashi adds. 

"Can't forget that makes Sasuke the future Uchiha Clan head. He'll try to act indifferent about it but it will make him unbelievably happy," a smile makes its way onto my face when I say this, happy that Sasuke will get the one things he's wanted his whole life. 

Yamato pops his head around the doorway, "Dinners ready." 

It doesn't take much convincing for Kakashi and I to join everyone in the kitchen, serving ourselves rice and curry before sitting down at the table together. Kakashi gives Yamato a kiss on the cheek, thanking him for dinner before taking his own seat at the table. 

Naruto gives us all a sad smile, "We finally have the family back together and now I'm leaving for training again." 

Sai give him an understanding look, "Don't worry, you'll be back home before you know it." 

Sasuke elbows Naruto's side, "Don't think we're going to be slacking on our own training just cause we're staying in the village. There's no way in hell I'm letting you surpass me." 

"When you get back, we're going to have one big family reunion. Ino, Kisame, and Itachi included," Yamato adds. 

Overwhelmed with happiness, tears threaten to fall but I hold them back. I have the best family ever and it was growing every day. 


Shit is about to hit the fan and I wish I wrote another chill chapter with Itachi but it didn't go with the flow. The vibes were not right and that's sad but nothing you can do about it. Just imagine that Itachi is having a nice time. Cause we're all gonna need it.

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