Chapter 34: The Pain of Being Happy

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Waiting in the office by myself, I can't help but get bored and start to look around. The Hokage's Office was a mess of papers and scrolls, and broken picture frames were stacked in piles on the shelves. Dragging my finger across the shelf, I read the titles of the books in here. Dust collects on the tip of my finger and I wipe it off on my pants.

Making my way over to the desk, I scan over the papers left scattered in an organized mess that only the person who put it there could understand. An open notebook catches my attention, the beginning of a list of herbs visible. Unable to resist, I grab the notebook and read through the list. The list didn't just consist of herbs but also a variety of rare plants. Turning the page, detailed instructions are written in neat handwriting, explaining how to process and extract all the ingredients into whatever concoction this was.

Going over the list again, I rack my brain of all the medical knowledge I hold, trying to figure out what the hell this was. It was a poison but not. An antidote but not. Whatever it was, it was potent. I couldn't help but be curious of who was the one to create this.

A tap on my arm has me letting out a yelp of surprise and dropping the notebook. Turning around, Tsunade-sama gives me an unimpressed look, "Mind telling me what you're doing?"

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. I got bored and then saw the notebook and had to read it. I'm trained in healing and couldn't help the curiosity," I explain, words rushing out of me in panic.

"You're a healer?" Tsunade asks, crossing her arms. At the action I can't help but focus on her giant boobs. They were really big and left me wondering if they gave her back pain.

I nod, "Yes. Not a medic-nin but I have studied everything else for many years now. Making medicines out of herbs and plants is kinda my thing, among others, of course," They look like they'd make a very nice pillow. I mentally shake my head, now was not the time for contemplating this.

Tsunade picks the note book off the floor before making eye contact with me, "What do you make of it?"

My mouth pulls down into a frown of thought, "It's confusing, I can't really tell what it's for. It's both poison and antidote. It's attacking one thing while healing another. I can understand what it does but not what it actually is."

Tsunade gives an impressed look, "You are quite skilled, I'm impressed. I made it to help manage Microscopic Polyangiitis."

My eyes widen in understanding, the medicine has a poison that attacks weak tissue - in this case, where the illness is - but at the same time stimulates the immune system and healing process. I look up at Tsunade is wonder, "This is incredible. In all my years of travel, I've never seen medicine as complex as this. Have you tested it?"

"I have," she answers.

"And it works? It helps reduce the symptoms to make it more manageable?" I ask.

"It keeps the illness from spreading and getting worse as long as you don't overuse your chakra. It would work on a civilian, one dose and they'd be good for their whole life as long as they took the right medication. However, for a shinobi, it's not a long term fix. It will get worse again and they'll have to go through treatment all over again," Tsunade answers, a deep frown making its way onto her face.

Her response troubles me. My voice is quiet when I speak, "How many doses do you have left?"

"Two, and all I can do is pray it's enough. The damn idiot has a habit of pushing himself to the limit and doing anything to protect others. One dose before the war and one for after."

I can't help the curiosity that bubbles up in me again, "If it's okay to ask, who's it for?"

Tsunade hesitates momentarily, seeming to contemplate something before speaking, "I don't usually talk about my patients but in a way, he's technically your family. Itachi, your brothers boyfriend is the one that's sick."

My stomach drops in dread, "That can't be easy for Kisame."

Shaking her head, Tsunade laughs quietly, "Who do you think went to every corner of the world to get the ingredients? Before he even met Itachi. I don't understand that kid one bit, crazy I tell ya."

A smile pushes its way onto my face, "That sure sounds like my brother. Always the crazy one."

There's a nock on the door before someone pokes there head into the room. The person pushes a stray lock of hair behind their ear and I watch Tsunade as her eyes track the movement, "You have a meeting in twenty minutes."

Tsunade gives her a nod and a light smile makes its way onto her face, "Thank you, Shizune."

Shizune gives a light bow before exiting and closing the door behind her.

"You're totally in love with her," I say bluntly before I can even think about what I'm saying.

She sends a glare my way and her brow twitches in anger, "I will throw you across the village if you say anything else regarding this."

Laughing nervously, I put my hands up in surrender, "Got it. Won't speak a word of it."

Tsunade lets out a long breath, calming herself, "If you're getting bored, we always need help in the hospital. Your skills would be greatly appreciated."

Hope builds me in me, "Really?"

"Yes, really. Now get going already," Tsunade says, grabbing a paper and signing it messily before giving it to me, "Direct hire from the Hokage, you'll have no problem starting work right away. Now shoo!"

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me," I tease, laughing the whole way out.

"Maybe I am! You've been loitering around my office all week now," Tsunade yells at me. My laughing continues until I've turned the corner and she can't see me anymore.

The smile drops from my face as I stare at the sheet of paper. It was good to be getting some work but Kisame still hasn't come to talk to me. It's been nearly a week now and still nothing.

Being happy was so exhausting.

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