Chapter 16: Wanna Do Something Really Stupid?

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With the fighting finally over, everyone was doing what they could to help out. We were all still in shock, not quite having processed what just happened in only a few hours. My group of people were part of a larger group that had been sent out to help the people who were stuck in the evacuation tunnels that had collapsed.

I cross my arms, partly in thought and partly to hide the tremor of my hands, and look at the collapsed tunnel in front of us, "Hey, Anko, wanna do something really stupid?"

I can still see the lingering hurt from what I did earlier but she pushes some of it away and snorts out a laugh, "Depends what you have in mind."

"Our little project could come in handy right now," I say as I observe the unstable tunnel.

"You hate it," she raises her eyebrows in surprise at my suggestion.

"Better then being crushed by a mountain," I add.

Sasuke gives us a look of annoyance, "Care to share with the class?"

Anko rolls her eyes at him but does in fact share our thinking with everyone here, "I've been working on a new kind of transport seal but it's not entirely stable. It's different then my anchor transport seals, which are used by placing two seals which you control your own transport through them. The ones I've been working on make it so you can control the transport of another person without having to activate the seals on them with your chakra."

Fugaku's disapproving voice cuts through the air, "Using an unstable seal is dangerous and irresponsible."

Sasuke aggressively gestures towards the tunnel, "We can't exactly just leave the people stuck in there."

"Honestly, it's more for backups sake incase the tunnel collapses again while someone is trying to clear it. If it does start to collapse, we have a chance to get that person out of harms way. Look at it this way, we have the choice of letting a mountain of rock fall on that person and they die. Or we use the seal and they might come back missing a few limbs," Anko explains.

Mikoto decides to speak up, "I think using the seal is worth the risk. We don't have an earth user with us and we can't risk having those people in there longer then necessary. We have no way to know if they've been completely sealed off. For all we know, if we wait, they could suffocate to death in there."

Fugaku gives another grunt of disapproval, "Fine but I'm the one doing it."

"Nope, Kisame's doing it," Anko says.

"Absolutely not," Fugaku argues back, a deep scowl making its way onto his face.

"It's the safest option. I've transported him with seals before, I know how his chakra works. I don't know how yours works and that's an unnecessary risk. Really wouldn't be great if I was the reason the Uchiha clan head lost a leg," Anko explains.

"Really wouldn't be great if I was the reason my son's boyfriend lost a leg!" Fugaku snaps back.

All while the two argue, I'm prepping the seals to use. I take them from Anko when she's not paying attention, placing one of the seals on myself and activating it to bind it to my chakra. I slip the other seal into her weapons pouch before taking off into the tunnel as quickly as I can.

From outside I can hear Fugaku curse in frustration at the tunnel entrance. Despite not being a natural earth user, I wasn't an S-rank shinobi for no reason. Water would forever be my element but I could get by with a few earth style jutsus with no problem. Only a little extra strain on my chakra reserves which didn't matter much with how much I had.

As I carefully shift the fallen rocks - doing my best to make sure I didn't stress any of the more unstable parts - I was also putting up pilers to reenforce it. Just wishing the whole time it would stay long enough for me to get everyone out.

Making my way through, I let out a sigh of relief when I finally reach the people. The group looks at me in anticipation, "The tunnel is cleared but we need to be quick. There's no way to tell how long it's going to last." The chunin organized the people quickly and started leading the families out of the space and into the tunnels. To make sure no one was left behind, I wait until the chunin positioned at the back says it's clear and follow the group out.

The large group had made it out, the exit was only a few more paces away for the chunin and myself who were lagging behind slightly. A shift of rock sets me on edge and without thinking, I grab the young chunin by the arm and throw him out of the tunnel. He lets out a shout of surprise, having no idea what happened.

Trying to make my way out of the re-collapsing tunnel, I'm unable to get through fast enough. Everything starts falling around me, throwing up dirt that leaves my eyes watering and blocking my vision. Panic courses through me, making me forget about the seal I put on myself.

Just when I think there's no escape, vertigo followed by a burning sensation from foreign chakra has me snapping my eyes open in shock. Looking around, I spot Anko beside me who's calming her own panic from witnessing my almost death. I take in a deep breath, relief and surprise making me unable to do anything but laugh.

Turning towards Fugaku, I give him a wide grin, "Look at that, no legs lost." The three Uchiha present give me identical looks of exasperation before turning towards the recently saved families to direct them to where they should go.

I lean towards Anko and whisper, "I think I might have lost a toe but I think it would be better to leave that out."

Anko barks out a laugh, "Definitely need to problem shoot that. Can't have you loosing all your toes. Also, you're chakra felt different then the last time I transported you. Strangely normal compared to the last time." 

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