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Ruuyen POV
As my message to Ayanakoji was sent I couldn't help but feel this burning sensation through my chest which was pure pleasure.

"Let's see how he uses this information" I said shutting my phone off and stuffed it in my pocket as I continued to walk to the lunch room to meet ibuki.

As we walked down to lunch I wanted to ask Kiyotaka about the whole Ruuyen thing but I didn't want him to shut me out like last time when I asked him about his personal life. I sat at a secluded seat as Kiyotaka sat across from me on his phone.

"Kiyotaka... did you have something to do with this whole Kushida thing online" I asked quietly. He looked up at me while shutting off his phone.

"I told you I would take care of it..... this is just part of it" he replied. I nodded stood from my seat walking around the table to hug him from behind.

"Thank you" I whispered in his ear. I kissed his cheek then made my way over to the counter to order fried noodles for kiyotaka to try since he hadn't tried them yet. I felt a weird feeling approaching me from behind. I turned around quickly to be face to face with a boy from class A.

"Um can I help you" I asked crossing my arms trying to get kiyotaka's attention but he was on the phone talking to someone.

"You know with your body you could really get a better man then Ayanakoji" he sneered reaching for my hair strand but I slapped his hand away.

"Can I help you miss" the lady at the cash register said looking concerned.

"Um two sets of fried noodles with a side of tayraki chicken,oh and one green tea smoothie and one tea with a splash of milk" I asked politely. She nodded as I turned back to glare at him.

"Move" I sneered making eye contact with kiyotaka who slowly made his way to me.

"Look I'm just saying there are plenty of fish in the sea" he smiled and walked away before kiyotaka arrived.

"I'm sorry about that. Hasebe called asking when we could hang out" Kiyotaka said placing his hand on my cheek. I sighed and hugged his torso.

"Excuse me. Your food is ready" the counter lady said. I pulled from him and grabbed the tray. I placed the tray in Kiyotaka hands and pulled out my phone for the points.

"On the house. I saw the way you stood up for yourself to that young man" the cash lady said. I smiled and grabbed the drinks as kiyotaka walked back to the table. As we began eating Ruuyen and Ibuki walked into the cafeteria and once they made eye contact with Kiyotaka Ruuyen made a weird smile which made me uncomfortable.

"Hey can I ask a question" I said poking at my rice. He nodded while drinking his tea.

"Why was Ruuyen contact in your phone? Are you too like best friends now" I asked

"No we aren't close. He offered himself to be used as a tool and for this case his resources were required" he responded as his phone buzzed. He looked at the message but didn't reply or even open it for that matter. I mixed my chicken and rice and took a small bite. His phone buzzed again and again meaning whoever wanted to speak to him wanted to now.

"Babe are you gonna answer your phone" I asked continuing to eat. He looked at his phone and and slide it towards me for me to read.

Horikita: I need to talk to you about this whole Kushida thing. I have a feeling you had something to do with her being exposed on the internet.

Horikita: I told you I would handle her. I get your trying to protect your relationship but I'm more considered with the state of the class and Kushida is needed to rise to class A.

Horikita: I will be waiting

"Wow" was all I could. It seemed Horikita really thinks that saving Kushida is the right thing for the the class even though I don't see how someone who puts on a fake persona is helpful to anyone.

"So what are you gonna do" I asked drinking my drink.

"I'm gonna go see what she wants. Meet me at my dorm later if you wanna hang out" he said standing throwing trash on the tray.

"I'm gonna head to the library to grab a new book for English" I said repeating his action. I pecked his lips before kissing his cheek and heading to the library.

Ayanakoji POV
I approached the meeting spot Horikita sent in her messages. When she noticed my approach she stood and fixed her jacket.

"What were you thinking Ayanakoji? Why would you expose Kushida and using Ruuyen at that" she immediately pounced on me with questions.

"I warned you on multiple occasions that if you didn't put a stop to Kushida behavior I will do it myself. For my reasons for using Ruuyen is not really something you need to know right now" I replied. She huffed and sighed.

"Look I understand that you care about your relationship but the class should come first" she said stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"You failed to keep your end of our deal and I took things into my own hands" I replied beginning to walk away.

"Wait! Are you really gonna not follow my plans anymore" she yelled

"Maybe. Maybe not" I said walking away.

Kushida POV
I slammed my bag to the ground when I entered my dorm. I pulled out my phone to see so many texts from friends I made asking if the pictures were real.

I closed them and dialed Nagumo number and tapped my rude in anger.

"Hello" answered Nagumo nonchalantly which irritated me.

"Did you not see the post online?!? What we did is starting to surface so WHY ARE YOU SO NONCHALANT ABOUT IT" I shouted into the phone.

"Because I already know who posted them" he replied. I sat in my chair crossing my leg.

"Well then who did it" I spat.

"Now why would I tell you? That would ruin my fun" he said laughing.

"Ugh how could you!!! We had a deal" I yelled standing up again.

"And we still do I'm just changing it up to fit my desires" he responded. I huffed and hung up before knocking my books off my desk.

"I swear they will not get away with this" I declared.

I walked into kiyotaka's room and collapsed on his bed as he emerged from the bathroom wiping his wet hair.

"I didn't even hear you come in" he stated sitting next to me on the bed while continuing to wipe his hair. I laid my legs on his lap while laying back. He massaged my legs while looking at his phone reading messages.

"How did your meeting go with Horikita" I asked

"Well enough though I don't think she would agree" he replied as he continued to rub my calves.

I wonder.... How far he's willing to go to protect his past from coming into light?

Kei and ayanokoji love story ( A COTE story)Where stories live. Discover now