Date Day

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I rolled away from the sun as it peeked through my curtains and lit up the room. I sighed and cracked my eyes open and slowly sat up, stretching my arms and neck. Since it was Sunday I could've slept more but lately I've been waking up with the sunrise. I climbed out of bed and went straight to the bathroom and splashed water on my fast to wake myself up. While I was in there my phone pinged with a message. I wiped my hands dry while leaving my face a little damp to check the message and it was from Kiyotaka. I smiled and opened the message but my smile faded quickly as I read it. 

Kiyotaka: (Picture sent from Ruyen) You lied to me? 

Kei: It wasn't a big deal 

Kiyotaka: Lying about you getting harassed sounds like a big deal to me 

Kei: I'm sorry 

Kiyotaka: Next time tell me, you know full well I have my ways of  handling a problem like this 

I didn't  respond to any more messages. I didn't think it was such a big deal but I guess it is to him. As I was choosing my outfit for the day my phone buzzed from a message from my friends asking to have a pajama breakfast get together in Mii~chan's room. I grabbed a small jacket and went down the hallway and around the corner to the second half of the girl's dorms where I saw a few girls from other classes leaving their dorms going towards the elevator. When I reached Mii~chan's door I knocked gently and Sato opened it with a big smile. 

"It's about time. Come on everything's ready" She said practically dragging me inside the room where most of the girls from our class were chatting away. I sat next on the soft carpet that Mii~chan had and just relaxed. The next hour I spent hanging out with my friends when my phone buzzed. I placed my fork that held my strawberry in my mouth and grabbed my phone to see a missed call from Kiyotaka. I looked around at my friends who were giggling away so I took that as my chance to return his call. 

Kiyotaka: Did you come up with anything you wanted us to do today?

Kei: I did. I came up with a plan for us today. All you have to do is show up at the mall around 1:00. 

Kiyotaka: Alright then I'll see you then

I hung up and went back inside to finish my little plate of fruit before helping clean up the room. 

"Hey Kei, is everything set for your date with Ayanakoji" Sato asked picking up the plates and cups. 

"Yup. Though it did take me a while to get a spot for the skating but I managed" I replied. She gave me a smug expression that I tried to ignore. Once all the cleaning was done it was around 12:10. 

"Thanks for having us over Mii~chan. See you tomorrow" I said as Sato and I went towards the door. 

"No problem guys see ya" She waved as we left the room. Sato decided she wanted to come with me to my dorm since she didn't have anything planned at the moment. As we walked we saw Ichinose leaving her dorm room dressed in nice clothing with a light blue puffer jacket. 

"Wonder where she is going this early dressed up like that" Sato commented as we approached my door. I tapped the key card and opened the door, Sato running past me and jumping onto my bed. 

"Hey I thought you said you were looking into getting a fluffy bean bag or something" She said scanning the room. 

"I'm working on it though why does it concern you that much anyway" I asked looking through my closet for a shirt.

"It doesn't I'm just curious" She replied scrolling on her phone. I pulled out a light pink hollow cut shirt and white knee high stockings and a white skirt. 

Kei and ayanokoji love story ( A COTE story)Where stories live. Discover now