The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend

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After school ended for the day I needed to clear my head so I went to the park. Not only am I in my worst subject I'm grouped with a girl who's in love with my boyfriend and a girl who bullied me. Is the universe punishing me for something? I sighed and rubbed my arms from the chill that got into my body from the wind. Even though it's the last thing I wanna do I have to go to the study groups so I can at least have a fighting chance to pass even if I gotta do it on my own. I sat in the park for another 20 minutes before deciding to go back to the dorms. Kiyotaka said he was gonna be talking with Horikita about the grouping situation and wouldn't be back at his dorm until 8:30. 

As I walked back to the dorms I saw Ichinose standing at the entrance looking like she was waiting for something or someone. As I continued to walk she noticed me and waved for me to come over. I hesitated but walked over to her and gripped my bag as I stopped in front of her. 

"Hey" I said almost in a whisper as I looked away with a shade of pink making itself to my cheeks. Talking to her was weird for me knowing that she has feelings for my boyfriend. 

"Listen I know that it must be weird to be talking to me but since we are in the same group for this big test I was hoping we could look past the awkwardness between us and work together since being expelled is on the table. I know if you got expelled Ayanakoji will be really upset" she said,her ears turning the same color as my cheeks at the mention of Kiyotaka's name. 

"I agree. Do you really think these study groups slots that the school gave us are gonna help, I mean we don't even know what's gonna be on these test" I said slowly letting my guard down as we walked inside the dorms and went in the elevator. 

"Actually I did find a way... Can I come to your room later on tomorrow sometime around 2:30. I want to get all the information settled before I show you" She asked as we reached our floor and stepped off the elevator. 

"Um sure I'll make sure I have nothing going on then, thanks" I said as we walked to my room and went our separate ways. I closed the door and leaned against it. I sighed and let the silence surround me but it was interrupted when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my purse and saw Kiyotaka's number and I answered on the 3rd ring. 

"Hey what's up" I said. I walked further into the room taking off my shoes and throwing my bag on the chair. 

"Did you already get back to your dorm" he asked. 

"Yea I just got back... where did you go after the assembly I didn't find you" I said sitting on my bed. 

"I went to meet with a couple of people from my group via Horikita request" he said as I heard a door slam on his end. 

"You will not believe who was waiting for me when I came back from school.... Ichinose ,she wanted to talk to me about the big test and that she found a way for us to pass but she won't tell me how yet but I am going to meet her tomorrow at 2:30 in my room" I explained sliding my socks down. I heard another slam from his side which caused me to get a little worried. 

"What's all that noise over there, is everything okay" I asked laying down on my bed. 

"One of the guys across the hall from me isn't very happy with his group, I don't really know who it is" he replied. I guess a lot of people aren't happy with their groups for many reasons. One being it's not their best subject or not liking who they are paired with. We talked for a while before he said he had to take a shower and we hung up. I wonder how he plans to pass this exam? I shook my head and went to change into more comfortable things and scroll on my phone until I fell asleep. I woke up around 2 am from my nap and realized that I didn't charge my phone so I pulled it in and watched it light up and saw a few missed texts from my group chat and one from Ichinose. 

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