Countdown of Despair

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Third Person POV

All the students of the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School were studying vigorously for the test that could get most of them expelled. It was currently Saturday and most of the students were in their respective study groups or leaving the study groups. A certain pink haired girl, the most popular girl in her class was leaving her study group and going to meet another popular girl from another class. Ichinose walked and entered the dormitory waving at her friends she walked by . As she waited for the elevator she received a message.

Karuizawa: Hey I'm gonna stop by the cafe with Kiyotaka, would you like anything

Ichinose: Um sure I'll take a muffin if they have any... banana please

Getting a message like that from the girl who is dating your crush is certainly a new feeling for Ichinose. She's even going to make sure that Karuizawa passes... why though? That thought always went through her mind. Why go to such extremes for someone who is in the way of your happiness. Ichinose entered the elevator with these thoughts flooding every corner of her head. Why was she doing this? Even though she knew the answer herself she couldn't bring herself to admit it to herself that her happiness was currently happy with someone else. She sighed and entered her room she flopped onto the bed. With winter on its way so were the romantic dates couples went on and that's something she didn't want to see. 25 minutes passed and there was a ring at her doorbell which she took her time getting. When she opened it the girl who stole her crushes heart was standing there with two bags.

"Hey come on in" she said with a hint of sadness in her voice but she covered it with a smile. "Thanks" Kei responded,putting down the bag of muffins. The two girls spent the rest of the day studying for the test that loomed over their heads and eventually both girls fell asleep on the bed, books sprawled out around them.

Ichinose POV

I opened my eyes and saw that Kei sleeping on the other side of the bed with books spread out around us. I sat up and stretched my arms looking at the time and I saw it was around 6:45. I swung my legs from the bed and went to grab a muffin from the bag but as I did there was a knock at my door. I sighed ,putting the muffin down before going to open it. When I opened it Ayanakoji stood there causing me to hold my breath in surprise.

"Is Kei still here" he asked, still standing in the doorway. "Um yea she's sleeping on the bed, we both kind of fell asleep after all the studying" I explained opening the door wider for him to walk in. He went as far as the kitchen before stopping. I stood behind him and waited to see what he would do and what he did next surprised me to my core. He placed his soft lips on mine and grabbed my waist. I stood in shock for a while before responding with passion. When I opened my eyes I was face to face with Ruuyen who was smirking . I gasp as he pulled me closer and forced his lips on mine

I woke up with a gasp and sat up quickly. I looked at Kei who was sleeping soundly with paper in her hands. Once confirming it was all a dream I laid back down and continued to study until Kei woke up.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep" she said sitting up. I smiled indicating it was okay. We studied for a little while longer before it got too late at night.

"I better head out. We have two more days to study. On Sunday do you wanna test each other and see what grades we get" she suggested.

"Umm How about you let Ayanakoji do that, I have plans on Sunday" I said.

"Sure no problem" She replied stretching her arms. She grabbed all her belongings and packed them into her bag. She headed for the door before waving back at me.

"See you testing day.Thank you for all your help" she said smiling at me before leaving. I flopped back into my bed, wondering about that dream.


I went back to my room and placed all my stuff down and sighed. Thanks to studying with Ichinose and the study groups that were assigned I feel a little more confident but there was still that little voice in the back of mind. I sat on my bed and was just lost in my thoughts until my stomach growled and I realized I was hungry since I haven't eaten since being with Kiyotaka all morning. I didn't have the energy to cook but then again I didn't want to order out either. I decided to cook but I didn't have the right ingredients so I left my room and went to the store. While looking at different egg sales I saw Ruuyen in the corner of my eye with Ibuki. I moved from my spot and hid in the corner but still in earshot of their conversation.

"How do you know what he gave you is gonna help us pass the exam" Ibuki asked. Ruuyen sighed and looked back at her.

"How many times will you ask me that question? I don't have to trust him, it was a transaction, I gave him something he gave me something simple" He said looking at cakes on display. What did he give Kiyotaka that Kiyotaka couldn't get himself.

"What did you give him? Points? Protection?"Ibuki asked irritated. He looked at her and laughed.

"That's none of your business" he said with a smile while pushing past her. She rolled her eyes and followed him like a lost puppy. I watched them walk out of the store before going to check out my stuff and going back to the dorms to make my dinner. While cooking I texted Kiyotaka to see if he wanted to come over to eat. 

Kiyotaka: I already ate but I will come over to see who your studies are going

Kei: I was hoping you would come over just to see me 

Kiyotaka: Is that not what I'm doing?   

Kei: oh never mind so you're coming? 

Kiyotaka: I will stop by for a while. Ill come over in 10 minutes 

I sighed and continued to cook the fried rice and added the eggs to the pot and began mixing. 10 minutes went by and there was a knock at the door. Soon enough Kiyotaka walked in and shed his coat. 

"You know I didn't say 'come in'. Entering a girl's room like that is considered rude" I joked looking at him with a smile.  He sat next to me on the counter snatching a piece of carrot that I chopped up. 

"You knew it was me" he replied and bit the carrot. I smiled and turned off the stove. Kiyotkaka pulled a plate out for me and I placed the rice on the plate with smoke leaving it with a great aroma.We moved to sit at the table and he grabbed my bag and took out my notes. As I ate he looked over everything,scanning the papers and notebooks. He never changed his expression but I can tell from his eyes that he is impressed. 

"Not bad." he said looking at me. I smiled and placed my plate down,moving closer to him. 

"So for Sunday do you think you can make up a practice test for me" I asked leaning on his shoulder. "Sure .. though it will have to be after my meeting with Horikita and Nagumo" He replied.  I nodded and kissed his cheek. Soon enough he left while I cleaned my mess. While doing the dishes I got lost in my thoughts.The big test being the biggest thing on my mind and whatever Kiyotaka needed to discuss with Horikita. I cut myself with one of my knives and pulled back quickly. It was small and not deep so I cleaned it  and out a pink bandage around it and eventually got in the shower. 

Horikita POV

I walked into the dormitory with a red face. I was so tired from council work and studying that I haven't gotten enough sleep at night. I pressed the up button and yawned but quickly covered myself to make sure no one from other classes saw I was at my weakest right now. Once the elevator opened and I saw Kanzaki I got on and stood in front of him. I held my hand out and he placed a piece of paper in my hand. Once we got to the boy's floor he got off without even giving me a glance. I opened the paper and saw a message in neat hand writing: 

I did  some more digging and nothing is coming up about Ruuyen and the Karuizawa thing. Our chances are becoming more slim and we will rarely have a chance to get rid of him during this test. Let me know if you find anything. 

I sighed and tossed the paper in the trash as I walked out the elevator and went back to my room. 

Third Person POV 

As the clock struck 12 at midnight most students at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School were sleeping soundly in their beds while others continued to study. One day left before the test that could change many lives comes to pass. 

Kei and ayanokoji love story ( A COTE story)Where stories live. Discover now