Doctor Ayanakoji

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I woke up with a sharp pain in my ankle. Yesterday swim class was very hectic as I was knocked into the pool by the idiot trio while sitting on the edge. I grabbed my phone and looked at my notifications but didn't see one from kiyotaka which made me a bit sad. I limped to the bathroom and got in a quick shower but while I was in there my phone was ringing. Deciding not to get out I let it ring but after 5 minutes it rang again, peeking my head out I saw Kushida number which made my blood boil.

I got out the shower, ignoring the phone call grabbing my clothes from my wardrobe. Pulling up my skirt I grabbed my shoes carefully being weary of my ankle and headed out the door. On my way to school I met Kiyotaka on the stairs who was holding a green tea which he normally doesn't drink.

"Morning" I said limping slightly towards him. He looked at me as I approached and handed me the green tea smoothie.

"Thanks" I said taking it. We continued our way to class but I was walking much slower so he matched my pace.

"Your ankle looks like it swelled up again. After class I will take you back to your room and show you how to care for it properly" he said as we approached the classroom. He sat me at my desk before heading to his own talking to Horikita.

"Hey Karuizawa, how's your ankle any better" Kushida asked approaching me. I sighed in annoyance as she reached my desk.

"Yea I'm good just a little swollen" I replied shortly.

"Oh good I'm glad. When I saw you fall I was so worried" she said replied in relief. I rolled my eyes and looked in kiyotaka's direction, who was talking to a very annoyed Horikita and Yosuke trying to calm her down. I made eye contact with Yosuke who signaled me to come over and join them which I detested as my ankle was killing me.

"Excuse me for a minute Kushida" I said standing limping my way over to them. When I made it to them I sat on kiyotaka's lap,leaning my back against his chest.

"Listen I understand that you to want to punish those who exposed your relationship to the school but with one of the culprits being Kushida and the other being on the student consular president I don't think targeting them in retaliation is going to help the situation at all" Horikita explained. I stayed quiet and waited for kiyotaka to respond.

Ayanakoji POV
After Horikita explained the situation it didn't change my course of action..... getting Kushida expelled and Nagumo go get off my back enough to live a peaceful time here this school has been my goal the time I've been here. After giving Horikita so many opportunities to get Kushida under control and she's started to take my patience for granted. Whatever plan she had in motion was never revealed to me so naturally I took things into my own hands.

"I understand but from my point of view you haven't disclosed this so called plan of your to me so I had no why if knowing if this plan even was a real plan or for a way for you to keep me from acting on my own" I replied stroking kei's back.

"I didn't think I needed to disclose the plan..... I assumed you trusted me enough" she said. Before I could reply Sai-sensi entered the room.

"Alright take your seats students" she said tapping the podium. Kei stood from my lap, her limping more obvious. While the lesson was happening I noticed kei ankle continue to swell from her shaking her leg.

"I will email you all the assignments later tonight. There will be no classes tomorrow due to a teacher conference. If there are no questions class is dismissed" sai-sensi said walking out the door. Everyone sighed in relief and started chatting with each other.

"Hey Karuizawa are you alright you look like your in pain" I heard sato say kneeling next to kei. I stood from my seat and made my way over to her.

"It hurts so bad" kei said on the verge of tears. I stroked her cheek calming her down looking at the swelling and it indeed gotten worse. She needs to be resting but first getting her out her chair without causing her pain was the challenge.

"Hey sudo you have club activities after this" ike asked placing his bag on back. Sudo shook his head while packing up.

"I'll be right back okay" I said to kei. I made my way over to sudo tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

"I need your help with something" I said. He nodded as a way for me to continue.

"I need you to carry kei to her room. I need to get some supplies from the nurses office but if I take kei with me she would be in more pain from all the traveling" I asked. At first sudo looked at me like I had two heads then looked at Horikita who wasn't paying him any mind.

"*sigh* fine" he said. I brought him over to kei who immediately took my hand trying to comfort herself.

"Listen Sudo is going to take you back to your room while I get some stuff to help you. I'll meet you there" I said. She hesitated but then gave in. Sato and I slowly helped kei to her feet and placing her on sudo back. Sudo adjusted her weight then started to walk down the hall heading back to the dorms.

"Now why would you do that? The nurse isn't in today but you already knew that" Horikita sisd approaching me.

"I'm well aware. I sent those two together to get the attention of a certain student" I replied walking out the door heading to meet them at the dorms.

As we neared my dorm room sudo placed me down so I could open the door. Once it was opened I entered it dropping my bag near the closet.

"Thanks sudo. You can go kiyotaka should be here any minute" I said.

"Your um welcome" he stuttered before running off. I limped/hopped to my bed laying down the second I made contact with it.

Message from sato

Sato: looked what someone posted

(Picture of sudo carrying kei)

I let out a groan and rolled over onto my stomach. As soon as I did there was a knock at my door.

"It's open" I said my voice muffled by the pillow. Kiyotaka entered the room with ice,a heating pad , a big bag of salt and a bucket.

"I'm going to fill this water" he said going to the sink.

"Sato sent me a link with a picture of sudo carrying me and people are saying I'm cheating on you in the comments" I said annoyed as he came back over to me with the now full bucket. He gently took my foot, completely ignoring what I just said and placed it in the water. Once my foot was completely concealed he poured the salt in.

"I'm aware of the post, in fact I'm the reason it was posted. I had Ruuyen take that picture to confuse Kushida and Nagumo. Next part of the plan is take other picture of those two and to make people attention go to them instead of us" I explained rubbing her ankle.

"That's why you had sudo carry me here.... It would make people outside our class see it differently" I said wincing at the pressure. After my foot was in the salt water for more then 15 minutes he pulled it out and dried it before taking two pillows and stacking them on top of each other and placing the ice on top of them. He then placed my foot on the ice and set a timer for 15 minutes.

"We'll heat it up with the pad after the timer goes off" he said as I laid down and be followed suit.

Ayanakoji POV
While kei was sleeping on my chest with the heating pad on her ankle which was looking better, I received a text from Ruuyen

Ruuyen: I have most of the items and materials you wanted but I'm not sure I can help with the last part

Ayanakoji: alright then I'll handle the rest

Kushida is about to have a hard time facing people tomorrow when this gets released.

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