Testing Day

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Third Person POV

All the alarms set by the students went off at 7:30. Kei Karuizawa shut her alarm off and rolled out of bed, moving the books she left on her floor out of the way. Horikita Suzune was up before her alarm went off and was going over her notes and study guides. Hirata Yosuke was knocking on Ike Kanji door trying to wake him up. Sudo Ken was looking at his reflection in his misty mirror from his shower. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka was leaving his dorm room and going downstairs. Ichinose Honami was brushing her hair while mumbling test questions to herself and Ruuyen Kakeru was drinking a coffee and buttoning his shirt. The entire dormitory was up and alive by the time 7:40 rolled around, everyone preparing themselves for the test.


I grabbed my bag and put my banana peel into the garbage before heading out the door. I was so nervous but I did pretty well on the practice test Kiyotaka made yesterday but that didn't stop my nerves. I reached the building and saw Ichinose talking with Kanzaki in front of the school building. I waited until Kanzaki left before going inside the building and waiting in the lobby for Sato. A few minutes later she came running in , out of breath with a red face.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry" she panted. I nodded signalling it was okay. We walked to the vending machine to grab drinks and wait for the call time for all students to go to their sites.

"You're nervous" she said. I looked at her confused since I thought I was hiding it quite well.

"I'm your best friend of course I noticed these kinds of these" she replied at my confused face. I sighed and nodded slowly. Terrifying is the more accurate term for what I'm feeling.

"You'll be fine.. we all will and think about it when this semester ends we will be in Class C" she said leaning on my shoulder in comfort. We stayed like that until the intercoms came on saying all students needed to report to their testing sites. I waved Sato goodbye and went upstairs, throwing my drink away on the way. I stopped outside the class, and hesitated to go inside. Suddenly someone took my wrist bringing me inside and to my surprise it was Ichinose. She gave me a smile before we walked in together, she sat near the front while I sat in the second row next to the window.

"Welcome all to the History students. I hope everyone did their preparation before coming in. I will now pass out your needed utensils for this exam. While I do please place your phones into the bucket that is going to be going around" Mr. Mashima said placing the bucket on a student desk before pacing out the things we needed. When everything was passed out and all the phones were collected he began passing out the lined paper we would use.

"I will now hand out the exam. You are not to flip the paper over until I say so, anyone who does will automatically get expelled" He explained. I made eye contact with Manabe who looked at me with hate in her eyes which I quickly looked away from. When he passed all the exam papers I gripped my pen tight and took deep breaths.

Third Person Pov

When all the students had their exams on their desk all the teachers looked at the clock and when it struck 9:30 they all said a collective:


All the students flipped their exams over and quickly got to work. Erasing, crossing out, bubbling in, pen to paper could be heard throughout the entire school. Ayanakoji was uninterested while reading these test questions but he had to at least give a ... 15% effort if he wanted to pass on his own. Horikita was beyond focused, she was in the zone while Ike was stuck on question 1 and question 2 relied on his answer for question 1. Sudo wiped the sweat from his brow and hirata filled out the first page. Kei flipped page one over and started on page 2 feeling less and less nervous as she realized that the study guides that she got from Ichinose were basically the same as the questions on this test.

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