You can't tell a Lie without the Truth

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I put the paint away in a basket and placed it in the closet on the floor. Everyone was chatting around the room while I cleaned up the bags of food. Suddenly there was a knock at the door which Mii Chan offered to get while I continued cleaning up.

"Oh hi Ayanakoji" she said causing me to turn my head immediately. He walked through the door and placed a bag down as I approached him.

"Hey you didn't have to bring us snacks" I said taking his hands.

"Yea but I was in the area anyway" he said stroking my hands.

"Your nails look nice and your hands are soft" he complimented. I blushed and shocked he even noticed.

"Thanks" I whispered kissing his cheek before going to unpack the snacks which were chips and candy.

"Hey Ayanakoji... Can I talk to you real quick" Sato asked. Kiyotaka walked over to her as she whispered in his ear and showed him her phone but all he did was say 3 words to her before she nodded her head and went over to the girls. Kiyotaka walked towards me and kissed my forehead before going out the door. I wonder what he and Sato were whispering about but decided not to ask. The girls stayed over until 11:00 before leaving. I kept thinking about the riddle that Sato received from her Class B friend but I decided to leave it and sleep peacefully. 

The next morning I woke up to 3 missed calls from Mii-Chan and texts from the group chat asking if I saw the new rumor going around throughout our grade. I texted in the group chat asking them what they meant and they directed me to the school website with a link. 

Rumor: Ichinose has a crush on Ayanakoji  

"Holy Crap" was the only words that escaped my mouth before jumping out of my bed and quickly getting dressed and heading to Kiyotaka's room. When I left my room I passed Ichinose's but chose to walk past it and go straight downstairs.  I got off the elevator and ran to his door gently knocking on it frantically. On the second set of frantic knocks he opened the door shirtless and bed hair. 

"I know you know classes aren't until 9 right" he asked letting me in. Once I was inside i showed him the rumor posted and his expression didn't change. 

"What am I supposed to do about that" he asked sitting on the bed. I gripped my phone annoyed and sat next to him. 

"Did you know and is that why you seem to care more for her" I asked bluntly. He shook his head and stood to grab his school uniform and under garments. 

"Is this going to be a recurring thing? Every time something is leaked or rumored about me are you gonna question me" he asked grabbing his towel. I scoffed and took the towel away from him slamming it on the chair. 

"Why are you avoiding the question" I asked louder than I attended. He grabbed my arms and moved me to the side. 

"Kiyotaka Ayanakoji answer me" I shouted curling my fist. He turned to me clearly not bothered by my out burst. 

"Why should it matter how I feel about it? I have no answer for her confession anyway, so I just let people think about what they want. You should try that as well" he said. I let out a exsaperated sigh and sat on his bed. 

"Listen, I don't care about what others think but I just need to see if her confession has changed who you want to be with" I asked sadly. I sighed and walked over to me and took my hands in his kneeling in front of me. 

"No. My feelings haven't changed and never even wavered. I want to be with you and only you" he declared kissing both my hands. Hearing him say it out loud calmed my heart and I showed him a small smile. I pulled him closer and kissed him on his lips. He gently picked me up by my legs and laid me on the bed as we continued to kiss. 

Kei and ayanokoji love story ( A COTE story)Where stories live. Discover now