Mizpah hotel

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Description: Sam gets scared for Colby and does something crazy. 


We are investigating the Mizpah hotel tonight. It's labeled the most haunted hotel in America. The stories make me uneasy but at least we are together. We get some crazy evidence. Then we agree to split up for fifteen minutes. I'm worried because the others are feeling sick, especially Colby. I don't want to be separated from him. 

We begin our investigations and I start asking questions. I feel like someone is with me. I feel uneasy but not scared. Then I start hearing noises around me. I decide to end my investigation early and leave to wait for the others. I don't have to wait long because the girls come out, not getting many responses. But Colby is still talking to someone in the room which makes me feel uneasy. 

After a few minutes, I knock on the door and Colby comes out. He starts telling us what happened and I feel more uneasy.  I watch him while he explains. Suddenly, I'm pulling him towards me. Next thing I know, he's in my arms and I'm kissing him. I'm vaguely aware that Mackie and Amanda have stopped talking and that Colby is just standing there but he's not pulling away. Shocked at myself, I pull away. 

"I'm-m sorry," I say, turning away. "I-I need some air," I add. 

I run outside, freaked out. 


Whoa, Sam just kissed me. 

"What just happened?" Amanda asks. 

"I don't know," I say. "I should go talk to him."

I find Sam sitting on the curb in front of the hotel. I sit down next to him. 


"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me," he says. 

"What happened in your investigation?" I ask. 

"Nothing too crazy. I was more worried about you," he says.

"So you kissed me?" 

"I don't know why. I just did," he says. "I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."

"Did you want to before? Do you like me?" I ask.

"I don't know, why?" he asks. 

"Just trying to figure it out," I say. 

"Well don't, it was nothing," he says, storming back inside. 


I storm back inside and see Mackie and Amanda waiting for us. 

"Sam, are you alright?" Amanda asks. 

"I'm fine," I spit out. 

"You kissed Colby," she says. 

"I don't want to talk about it," I say.

Colby comes back inside and we decide to leave the hotel. Mackie and Amanda leave in their car and I'm left with Colby. I grab my bag and head to our car. But before I can get in, Colby grabs my hand. 

"Colby, what are-" 

He pulls me to him and kisses me. I pull away immediately. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I can't. I-," I say. 

"Oh, yeah, your girlfriend," he says.

"I-I need to talk to her," I say. 

We arrive back home and I head to Kat's apartment. 

"Hey. How was the investigation?" she asks. 

"It was fine," I say. 

She looks up. "Are you okay?" 

I sigh. "I need to tell you something," I say. 

"What happened?" she asks. 

I sigh again. "I-I kissed Colby."


"I don't know what happened. It just happened," I say. 

"Do you like him?" she asks. 

"I don't know. But- I don't know, maybe," I say. 

"Does he know we aren't together?" she asks. 

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