Life-changing moments

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Takes place during their trip to London and to St. Andrew's Church.

Colby's POV

We arrive at our next location in London. I drove the whole way to the Church because everyone else was tired. I sneak looks at Sam every once and a while, worried about him. He mentioned this morning that he still had a headache and I just hope that he will be alright. He seems very affected by everything this trip and I just want to make sure he's okay. Corey and Jake are asleep so I whisper to Sam.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

"My headache's gone. But I don't know. I still feel uneasy," he says.

"Well, say the word and we'll stop okay?"

"We need to make a video Colby," he says.

"I know, but your health is more important than the video. Please just tell me if you want to stop," I say.

"Okay," he says.

We arrive at the church and Sam seems to get more nervous. We get the door open and Corey and Jake enter the church.

"Ready Sam?"

"Umm, yeah," he says, hesitantly.

"It'll be okay. I'm here," I say.

His hand moves toward mine but he stops himself. "Sam?"

He shakes his head. "Let's just go in," he says.

He enters the church and I follow behind him. I'm starting to feel uneasy and more worried about Sam. He seems desperate to catch something. He takes a deep breath and slightly leans against me.

"I just felt sick for a minute," he says, then moves further into the church.


I wake up to the front door of the church opening and closing. I sit up and see that Sam's bed is empty.

"Sam?" I whisper. I head to the door where Sam is standing. "Sam, what's wrong?"

"I thought I heard something," he says.

"So you decided to go alone?"

"I just thought I'd check quick and then come back," he says.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I just wanted to go alone."

"I'm coming with you," I say.

I follow him outside and he's convinced that something is there. We search around the church but we don't see anyone. He announces that he wants to search the graveyard alone. A brief argument follows and eventually Sam agrees to have us watch him from a far. He walks around the graveyard a few times then falls to the ground. I run to him and turn the camera off after we make sure he's okay. Jake and Corey head back inside to sleep.

"Sammy, are you okay? What happened?!"

"I just, I want to find proof, you know something I can't explain away. for me," he says, start to tear up a little.

I hug him but he pushes me away.

Sam's POV

"I just need to be alone," I say.

"Sam, please let me stay with you." He moves to hug me but I push him away again.

"I just want to be alone Colby!"

He backs away from me and I see the pain in his eyes.

"Colbs, I'm sorry. I just-"

"I'll be inside," he says.


I try to stop him but he heads inside. I follow him inside. Jake and Corey are asleep again and Colby is laying on his cot. He's pretending to be asleep and I don't know what to say so I just let him be. When we wake up in the morning, Colby won't even look at me. Corey and Jake start packing up and Colby is exploring the back of the church, taking pictures. I walk over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He shrugs my hand off and I frown.

"Colby, I'm sorry. I was just tired, in pain, and scared. Please, I need you."

Corey walks up behind us.

"Jake and I are ready," he says. Then he looks at Colby. "Everything okay?"

I start to speak but Colby nods and goes to pack up his stuff.

Corey looks at me, "Sam?"

"We're fighting," I explain.

"What happened?"

"We argued after you and Jake went inside. I said things I didn't mean. I hurt him."

"Just give him some time, he'll forgive you. You'll work it out."

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