Somebody that I used to know

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Sam and Colby dated in high school but broke up and went their separate ways




Sam's POV
Sophomore Year

I love you Colbs. 

I love you too Sammy.  

He kisses me and I melt into him. 

Junior Year

Prom Colby's POV

I pull Sam into my arms and we dance close together as couples sway back and forth around us. 

I kiss him and lead him away to our hotel room for the night. I think you know what happened after that. 

Senior Year


Sam's POV

Wait, you're leaving?

I want to chase my dreams Sam. 

Well, I'll come with you.

No. I have to do this on my own. 

But I'm your boyfriend! You said you loved me!

It's over Sam. 

I start to cry. Colby, I love you... I thought you loved me too. 

He sighs I'm sorry Sam. But I'm leaving. 

Fine, go then. I tear the pictures of us from my wall and shove them into his hands. And take your memories with you! 


Go away Colby!

He leaves my room and I fall on my bed, crying. He could have been the love of my life. 

Colby's POV

Los Angeles

I get settled into my new apartment. I tape together the pictures of me and Sam and tape them on to the walls of my apartment. I stare at them and smile slightly. But then tears roll down my face. Sam hasn't talked to me since I left. I text him.

Colbear💕 (I need to change that... )  Hi Sam. I made it safely to LA. 

Sammy💖: don't talk to me. 

Sammy💖 has changed his name to Sam💔.

Colbear💕 has changed his name to Colby. 

Colby: I'm sorry. I won't contact you again. 

One month later: 

Sam💔: I need to talk to you. 

Colby: why now?

Sam💔: my parents are splitting up and I need someone to talk to. 

Colby: I thought you didn't want me to talk to you. Find someone else Sam. 

Sam💔: I have no one else... Please Colbs... you're all I have now... Everyone hates me... 

Colby: I'm sure that's not true Sam. 

Sam💔: my parents are fighting, you and I aren't talking. Allison moved out, Ben's too young to understand. Our old friends are busy with their own lives. 

Colby: I'm sorry Sam. But I don't see how I can help you.

Sam💔: I just need someone to talk to. 

Colby: okay. 

Sam💔: you'll do it?

Colby: yeah, but tomorrow okay? I'm tired. 

Sam💔: okay

I lock my phone and turn over. 

I feel so bad for Sam. But how I can help him? I can't fix this... 

I wake up to Sam calling me to facetime. I answer, still half alseep 

Morning Colbs. 

Hmm, hey. 

Sorry if I woke you. 

It's okay. 

I hear something in the background. 

What's that noise?

Parents are fighting again. Dad wants to take Ben with him. I see a tear rolling down his cheek and I wish I could wipe his tears away and hug him. 

I'm sorry Sammy. 

He smiles slightly at the old nickname. A door slams and all is silent. I hear another door open. 

"Sam are you alright?" his mom asks. 

He nods. "Who are you talking to?" she asks. 

He shows her the phone. I wave at her. 

Hi, Mrs. Golbach. I'm sorry for what's going on..

 "thank you Colby. I'll let you two talk." 

Are you alright Sammy?

I'm okay. I just, I wish things were normal. I wish they weren't spliting up. And I wish... He looks down. 


I wish you were here...

I could visit or you can come here for a visit. Get away for a bit. I'll buy you a ticket. 

Umm, I'll think about it.

Two days later. Wednesday. 

Sam💔: can you buy the ticket? I need a break from the fighting. 

Colbs💕 has changed Sam💔's  name to Sammy💖

Colbs💕: are you sure?

Sammy💖: please Colby, I need to get away. 

Sammy💖: Colbs?

Colbs💕: I bought the ticket. Used your email address to send the ticket to. 2 days from now. 

Sammy💖: Thank you. 


Sam's POV

Sammy💖: I'm taking off soon. 

Colbs💕: safe flight, see you soon.

Sammy💖: thanks, see you soon. 

I turn off my phone and buckle my seat belt. I close my eyes as the plane moves down the runaway and takes off. I stare out the window as every mile brings me closer to the love of my life. I get off the plane and get my bag. I head outside to see Colby waiting for me. I hug him tightly as my bag falls to the floor. He kisses me and everything feels right again. He pulls away. 

I'm-m sorry Sammy. 

I pull him back in and kiss him. 

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