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Sam's POV

Colby and I have been dating for a few months. I decide that I want to take things further. I head to Colby's apartment and see him sitting on his bed, editing on his laptop. I pick up his laptop and set it aside before climbing onto his lap. 


I kiss him and start grinding down on him. He moans, wrapping his arms around me and bucking up to meet me. We fall back on the bed and he flips us over. 

"What are you thinking Sammy?" 

"I want you Colby."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," I say. 

Slight smut

He kisses me and pushes me back onto the bed. Our clothes are soon scattered throughout the room and Colby enters into me. I cum moaning his name as he rides out his high. He cums inside of me and pulls out. He collapses beside me and I lay on his chest. 

"I love you Colbs," I say. 

"I love you too baby," he says.

-1.5 months later-

I wake up and feel sick to my stomach again. I stumble to the bathroom and lean over the toilet. 

"Sammy, you alright?" 

"I got sick again," I say. 

"It's been a week. Maybe we should take you to the doctor," he says. 

"I'm okay, I'm sure it's just the flu or something," I say. 

"Okay hun," he says. 

-2 weeks later-

I'm still getting sick almost every morning. Something is clearly wrong. I wake Colby up.

"Colby, I got sick again," I say. 

"Sam, what if your pregnant?"

"You think I could be?" I ask. 

"Let's get a test," he says. 

"I'm going to stay here, just in case I get sick," I say. 

He nods and leave the house. He comes back about twenty minutes later and I head to the bathroom to take the test. I wait the required amount of time, take a deep breath and then look at the test.

 I wait the required amount of time, take a deep breath and then look at the test

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Oh my god. 


He comes into the bathroom and I show him the test. 

"Let's go to the doctor, just to be sure, " he says. 

"Yes, let's go," I say.

We get dressed and head to the car, Colby driving. We arrive at the doctor's office and Colby holds my hand while we wait. 

"Samuel Golbach?" a nurse asks.

We stand up and head to the back. The nurse leads us to a room and we sit to wait for the doctor. 

"What brings you in today?" the doctor asks. 

"Well, um, we had sex. and uhh, I've been really sick for a couple months. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive," I say. 

"How often are you sick? Any cramps in your stomach?" 

"Umm, usually in the morning or afternoon. not every day, but more than a few times a week," I say. 

"Okay," she says, making a note. "I'm going to get an ultrasound machine."

She leaves the room and comes back five minutes later. She lifts my shirt up and squirts some gel on my stomach. She moves a wand around on my stomach and we stare at the screen. 

"Well, you are pregnant," she says. 

I stare at the screen and tears fill my eyes. Colby just stands there in shock. 

"I'll get some pictures for you and schedule your next appointment," she says. 

I take the copies of the ultrasound and the appointment card. Colby's silent the whole car ride home. 

"Colby, are you alright?" I ask as soon as we get to his apartment. 

"I can't-t believe this," he says. 

"Colby, i'm sorry. I didn't plan this," I say. 

He lifts my chin to look at him, "hey, don't apologize. I'm just in shock."

"I love you Colby," I say. 

"I love you too Sammy," he says, kissing me. 

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