Birthday Gifts

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Colby's POV
Today is Sam's 21st birthday. I got him a pair of gucci shoes that he's wanted for a while. I just hope he likes them. I call Sam over and have him sit in the living room. I tell him to close his eyes.

I walk up to him and place the gift bag in front of him. I sit down in front of him and tell him to open his eyes.

His beautiful blue eyes open and meet mine as a smile forms on his face. Then he looks down and frowns slightly.

I panic, thinking he doesn't like the gift.

"Is everything okay?"

"These had to be really expensive Colbs."

"You're worth it," I say.

He opens the bag, clearly excited. I breathe a sigh of relief when a huge smile forms on his face.


"You like them?"

He stands up, setting the shoes aside carefully.

"I do. But I love you," he says and those stunning blue eyes meet mine.

"I love you too," I say, hoping he means what I think he means.

He pulls me in a for huge hug. Then he does something I didn't expect but loved all the same. He kissed me.

I pull him closer to me, wrapping my arms tighter around him. I pull away and stare into his eyes.

"Happy birthday love," I whisper.

He kisses me again. I hear two squeals from behind us and we break apart.

Kat and Devyn are standing in the entry, cameras out. We pull them into a group hug. I look over at Sam and know immediately that we will remember this moment forever.

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