Bowers Mansion

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Colby's POV

I turn around and the door behind me closes. 

"Holy shit. You guys that door behind me just closed. and I'm all the way over here, look," I say, moving the camera to show how far away I am. 

I keep talking to the camera as I head downstairs. I sit on the top step outside, shaking. After a bit, Seth comes up to me with a camera.

"Bro, you ok?" Seth asks. 

"You will not believe what happened," I say, still shaking. 

"What happened?" he asks. 

I shake my head. "We should wait for Sam," I say. 

"Do you want me to go get him?" Seth asks. 

I nod and he leaves. Sam comes running over, Seth following. 

with Sam

"Sam! Sam!" 

Seth is calling me. I stand up. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

"Bro, something happened when Colby was alone. He's basically crying," Seth says.

I run out and over to the main house, Seth following. 

Back with Colby

Sam pulls me in for a hug, I relax into his arms. 

"What happened?" he asks. 

I explain quickly. After I finish explaining, Sam turns off the camera. Sam hugs me again. 

"Can we stay together now? please?" I ask. 

"Of course love," he says. 

"thank you," I say, hugging him tighter. 

He presses a quick kiss to my lips. We separate and turn to see Seth smiling. 

"I thought you too were together!" he exclaims. 

"Wait really?" I ask. 

"Yeah, I suspected," he says. "Well, should we continue?" 

We agree and he heads back inside. 

"You ready Colbs?" he asks. 

"One more kiss? Please Sammy?" I ask.

He chuckles and presses his lips to mine. I deepen the kiss, slipping my tongue into his mouth.

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