Happy Anniversary

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One more day and I would become a full-time employee. I felt like nothing could put me in a bad mood. Well, I spoke too soon.

"Why didn't you fill this report out the way I told you to? I know I mentioned this before!"

Gray towered over my desk. I sunk into my chair. He was extra grumpy today. Why? He would have been glad not to babysit me as much now that I am full-time. Just let me be.

I turned my head to face him and brushed my dark brown hair from my face.

"Well, you weren't around. Dana was nice enough to help and show me a quicker way to do it."

I didn't think I did anything wrong. Dana was the Senior Supervisor and had been with the company longer than he had.

Gray sighed and moved his dark-rimmed glasses to rub his nose. "Alright, fine if you'd rather do it that way." He turned to glare at Dana and walked back to his desk.

Dana walked over to me and leaned into my ear to whisper. "Don't worry. He likes it better when things are done his way."

Charlotte was walking over with some files in her hand. She was one of the Senior Researchers on Dana's team. "We all do things a little differently. It doesn't make it wrong."

"Well, he made me feel like I killed his puppy or something." I couldn't take the expression on his face. It said 'Idiot! I know I taught you better!'

Charlotte gasped. "Oh no! Don't think that. It'll be fine. He'll get over it. He's just having a bad day."

Dana and Charlotte became two of my favorite people to work with. Both of them were like moms to me. They each have around twelve years of experience working for Westlake Marketing. Gray had been there for seven years.

Dana was the one who would put someone in their place if needed. Charlotte was the sweetheart, though sometimes it seemed like others took advantage of her wanting to be helpful to everyone. Both were hilarious and made my day when things didn't go right. Emily thought the world of them as well.

Our Department Manager, Vince Marten, came by to congratulate me on my anniversary. Emily invited everyone to dinner to celebrate.

Not everyone could make it to dinner. There were eight out of the twelve of us at the restaurant. Gray didn't show up. Why would he? Gray was only my trainer and Supervisor. We worked with each other the most.

The other Researchers, besides Emily and Charlotte, were Nick, Chloe, Steven, and Garrett. We review trending keywords, survey responses, social media mentions, and other data to help businesses keep up with their competitors. Our reports go through Gray before reaching Vince. He was nice enough to give Dana his company card to pay for everyone's food and drinks. I'm the first new person to make it more than three months in a year.

"It's about time Gray didn't scare a newbie away." Garrett laughed and took a drink of his third beer.

I looked over at Emily, questioning Garrett's comment. She looked away from me and took a sip from her pink drink.

"Was he the trainer for everyone?" I asked the table. Emily sat to my left, Charlotte on my right, and Steven across from me. Everyone else filled the rest of the long table.

"No, some of them were trained by Dana. Gray would take over, trying to tell them his way was better. Then when they couldn't figure out his way of doing things, he'd get mad and holler at them." Steven took a bite from his BBQ burger.

"I told Gray off a couple of times." Dana stabbed into her steak. "I trained the last person when Gray stepped in. They quit the next day. I went to Vince about it. He told Gray he could be the main trainer for the next person, but if they quit before their first year, he would be demoted."

I set my drink down in surprise. "So, you guys are telling me he was going easy on me compared to the others?"

Everyone nodded and sipped on their drinks.

"Well, not by much, but yes," Charlotte said.

I looked at Emily again and thought about how close she and Gray were. Was that why she was so happy to see the new person was someone she already knew? Did she make sure everyone made me feel welcome to help Gray keep his position?

"Hmm, that explains why you all were eager to help me feel welcomed. You knew how it would be with Gray being my trainer."

I shook my head. I saw everyone looked worried; they thought I was mad. I started to laugh.

"You guys are like one big family! I love working with you!" I raised my glass to them and drank the rest of my red wine.

Everyone relaxed again. A couple of hours later, most of us were drunk. Me being one of them. My stomach felt warm and fuzzy. My hair was a mess, falling out of its ponytail.

The restaurant was closing. Most of us stumbled outside to figure out how to get home. I asked Emily if she wanted to share a cab with me. She got nervous and kept looking for her car.

"I can't take a cab. I have to bring my car back home. Dylan is going to be so mad."

"Uh, I think he would be happy if you didn't drink and drive."

"No, he needs it tomorrow." Emily was in a panic now.

"Doesn't he have his car?" My first thought was all the times I had to give Garrett rides.

"It's in the shop." Emily started to cry and fumbled on the sidewalk.

"Okay, okay, hold on."

I looked over and saw Nick and Garrett were the only ones left. They stumbled on the sidewalk and were in no shape to drive.

"I'm going to call Dana and Charlotte to see if they can drive your car and drop you off. They didn't drink much."

"No, no, I have to bring him my car." Emily was mumbling to herself and started walking to her car. She was drunker than I thought. She searched for keys in her oversized purple purse. I ran after her.

"Oh, hell no. I'm not letting you drive." I snatched the keys from her before she could unlock the car.

"But Dylan is going to kill me." She stamped her left foot like a three-year-old.

"No, he won't. It'll be fine. You can get a cab and come for the car in the morning."

"No!" Emily sobbed.

I didn't know what to do. I could only think of one person who would be okay with helping her. He was the last person I wanted to deal with. But I didn't have a choice.

"Can I call Gray? Do you want his help?" I asked her as I rubbed her back. She was leaning over the hood of her car.

Emily sniffled; the right side of her face was pressed against the cold metal. "Yes, Gray."


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