Raise Your Glass

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The Black Cat's energy was contagious. The music added to the ambiance, and the aromas of beer and food were tantalizing. People were gathered around tables, enjoying drinks and catching up on the latest news.

There was a steady hum of conversation and the sound of clinking glasses. We raised our drinks in celebration of Autumn's departure from the office. It may have been seen in poor taste in a stranger's eye, but this was the day everyone in the office had dreamed of.

In seconds, I downed my glass of wine and set the empty glass on our table, leaning back in my chair. "I can't believe it's finally over! What a relief!"

Dana raised her glass again and shouted. "Ding-dong, the witch is dead!" She quickly gulped the rest of her wine.

I laughed. Dana seemed even more excited than me that Autumn was gone. "Let's get this party started!" I stood up and made my way to the bar for another drink.

Gray had a huge smile plastered across his face as he chatted with Alex and Vince. Though I should have been used to seeing Gray smile more since we've been together, it still leaves butterflies in my stomach.

His smile was like the sun peeking out from behind the clouds - warm, bright, and uplifting. No matter how often I saw it, it felt like the first time. I knew that with just a smile, he had the power to make my day better. His smile was contagious, and it made me want to smile too. His presence alone was enough to make any bad day turn into a good one.

Vince had a beer bottle in his hand as he leaned against the bar. Everyone in the office admired his easy-going personality and ability to make everyone around him feel comfortable. He swept his greying blonde hair back as he looked over the entire room.

Everyone in the bar noticed his presence, and the conversations died down. His gaze was intense, and his blue eyes seemed to pierce everyone in the room. His reputation for being a charmer was well known, and he had a way of making everyone feel like they were the only person in the room.

"I apologize for not doing anything sooner. If I knew it would have been this much of a relief for everyone, I would have." Vince took another sip from his bottle.

Gray slapped Vince's shoulder. "Amen! Who's up for another round?"

Dana's face lit up with a smile, and she raised her empty wine glass. Steve followed suit with a grin and raised his bottle, and Charlotte slowly lifted her empty glass with a meek smile.

Nick and Chloe sat at the bar. They looked at each other and smiled, raising their glasses in unison. I wondered if those two were dating officially yet. He always looked so smitten with her. And she only seemed to be in a good mood when he was around. They often shared knowing glances and whispered to each other. It was almost like they were in their own little world when they were together.

I couldn't help but hold my breath as Gray's gaze met mine. He gave me a cheeky wink, and I felt my heart skip a beat. I felt my cheeks flush and smiled back shyly.

He slowly walked towards me and put his arms around my waist. He leaned in and whispered, "Ready for another round?" He asked, his voice low and husky.

His warm breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine. I could feel my heart racing as I nodded. I couldn't help but feel giddy as I looked into his eyes. We smiled at each other like we had a secret that no one else knew about.

Gray kissed me gently, and I closed my eyes, savoring the moment. Just as I was about to lose myself in the kiss, someone cleared their throat, reminding us we had an audience.

He slowly pulled away, his lips still lingering on mine. We both turned our heads to see who had cleared their throat and saw Dana with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. She shook her head and said, "You two really need to get a room!"

Everyone in the room had their eyes on us and laughed. I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I quickly pulled away and mumbled an apology before turning back to the bar. Dana stepped up to the bar next to me, still giggling. I couldn't help but laugh too. It was the first time Gray kissed me in front of anyone.

Suddenly I felt Gray's arm around my waist again. He pulled me closer and whispered, "I'm not sorry."

His words melted away the embarrassment I felt. He leaned in and kissed me again without any hesitation. I felt my cheeks flush with warmth and my heart flutter with excitement. I was no longer embarrassed; instead, I felt a wave of joy and contentment wash over me.

His lips slowly pulled away from mine and moved to my ear. "Let's go somewhere more private," he murmured, his voice low and husky. I could feel my heart pounding as I nodded and let him lead me away from our coworkers. I could hear Dana and Charlotte giggling again. It was as if they knew what Gray planned for me.

We exited the bar and found a quiet spot around the corner. The street was quiet and still, illuminated only by the faint light of the street lamps. A few windows of the buildings still glowed yellow, and nearby trees swayed in the gentle night breeze. The only sound was a handful of cars passing by and the distant hum of the city. It was peaceful.

As I looked down the street, Gray lifted our joined hands and spun me around. He pressed me against the wall, his lips finally finding mine in a passionate kiss. I felt my heart racing as he ran his fingers through my hair. He pulled away and looked into my eyes with a mischievous smile. "Let's go home before I get carried away here," he said.

When I heard him say 'home,' my eyes widened. Did he mean his place or mine? Really it didn't matter; anywhere with him felt like home. I took his hand, and we began to walk down the street. He held me close, and I nuzzled my face against his chest. His embrace felt like a safe haven, one I never wanted to leave.

 His embrace felt like a safe haven, one I never wanted to leave

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