A Surprise Appearance

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It had been two months since Autumn was fired. Though our days at the office were still stressful with extra work. Vince had trouble filling Autumn's and Garrett's positions. Two days a week, other departments were asked to send one of their employees to us to help with the workload. It was only a temporary fix.

There was one thing that kept everyone's morale high. Dana and Steve were engaged. We were all happy for them. And everyone was looking forward to their engagement party at The Black Cat tonight.

I felt anxious, though. Maybe it was because I was reminded of my past marriage. I even thought I saw Adam outside the office building a few times. The thought of being married to him made my stomach turn. Whenever I thought of him, I instinctively touched the scar on the back of my head. The bump would never go away.

Hearing them getting engaged also made me think of Emily. I hadn't heard from her in months since she told me Dylan didn't want her talking to Gray or Alex anymore. I wondered if they were married yet and if Emily's belly had started to show. While I often considered texting her, I didn't want to feel rejected once again when she didn't respond. It seemed she was content with her new life without any of us in it.

Things with Gray had been going so smoothly; it almost felt too good to be true. I have never been so relaxed around someone. It was like experiencing a high every day.

When Gray and I arrived at the bar, it was already quite crowded. Everyone was dressed up and appeared to be in a celebratory mood. The lively atmosphere and music lifted my spirits after another tiring work week.

I saw Dana and Steve in the middle of the room, greeting everyone. They both looked so happy and content. With Gray in tow, I made my way toward them, congratulating them on their engagement. We mingled with the other guests and some of Dana's and Steve's families.

I noticed Charlotte sitting at the end of the bar. She was constantly looking at her phone and then at the door. She must be waiting for someone.

I walked up to her. "Hey, you got a hot date?" I winked as she turned to me.

Charlotte laughed. "No, nothing like that. But I am waiting for someone."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." She smiled.

"Oh, a mystery guest!" I laughed.

I felt Gray squeeze my hand. I turned to face him. His eyes sparkled as he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked me.

I nodded my head with flushed cheeks. I was still getting used to his public displays of affection. He's the first man to proudly tell the world I was his and he was mine. Others seemed to act as if I was an embarrassment to be with.

We sat at the bar and drank while chatting with Charlotte and others waiting for their drinks. I finished my drink when the bar door opened. Charlotte quickly turned around on her stool and jumped up to her feet.

"Emily!" She shrieked.

I jumped at the name. My vision was fixed on Charlotte and the person she was now hugging. It was Emily. What was she doing here? And why didn't she tell me she would be in town?

I looked up at Gray. He looked just as surprised and confused as I was. I looked back at the door, expecting to see Dylan. But he wasn't there. Thank God. That would have been extremely awkward, especially with Alex here too.

At that thought, I glanced around the room for him. When I found him, he was having a conversation with Steve's younger brother, Brian or Ryan. Alex was oblivious to what was happening.

"Hey Ella!" Emily shouted over the music.

I turned and smiled at her. Seeing her again in person felt strange. We haven't talked in so long. I didn't think she spoke to anyone in the office anymore. But I guess Charlotte stayed in touch with her. I wish she would have told me.

Gray squeezed my hand again. I squeezed back as I waved at Emily with my other hand. It must have been ten times more awkward for him.

I quickly glanced back at Alex as I saw Emily running toward me. He heard her voice. His jaw dropped as he watched her. He stumbled back a few steps, his eyes wide in disbelief. He seemed to be in shock, unable to move or speak. I swore I saw his face go pale like he had just seen a ghost.

Suddenly, Emily wrapped her arms around me and started to cry. I didn't know what was going on. The only thing I could do was hug her back.

"Hey Emi," I smiled.

She pulled away from me. Her eyes were very red and puffy like she had been crying all day. Then I noticed a dark bruise and a half-healed cut on her cheek.

I felt sick as my mind brought me back to my old house. I saw myself huddled in the corner of my kitchen. Blood on the floor and a knife in my hand.

I gently pulled Emily back into me and held her. Tears filled my eyes as I whispered in her ear. "What happened to you?"

 "What happened to you?"

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