The Anticipation

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I arrived back at the office ready to face the day. But as soon as I stepped through the door, I knew something was off. Autumn was in the office, and I immediately felt a chill in the air. She has been a thorn in my side since she started working here. I steeled myself as I walked in, determined not to let her get the better of me.

She was already in the office, and I braced myself for the usual confrontation. I settled into my desk and tried to ignore her presence, but it was difficult. She seemed to be doing her best to make me feel uncomfortable at every turn, and I was starting to feel the pressure.

She lazily lounged in her chair, her head tilted back, and her eyes closed. It was as if she were a cat playing with a mouse - she knew I was there, and she was toying with me, just waiting for the right moment to pounce.

"Hey, Autumn!" Gray called from his desk. "Are you going to have those reports done by this afternoon? Or are you going to nap all day?"

She opened her eyes and gave a lazy smile. "I'm sorry, my headache is terrible today. I don't think I'll make it through my whole shift."

He shook his head, grumbling under his breath. She smirked and closed her eyes again. Then Gray reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle of pills. "Here, take two of these." He tossed them over to her.

The bottle landed on Autumn's lap, startling her. She looked down at the bottle. "These aren't going to do anything for the kind of pain I'm in. I need something from my doctor."

I couldn't believe the nerve of her. All she had was probably a bad hangover. I did my best to keep my composure and not stoop to her level, so I kept my mouth shut.

"Please go see your doctor then." Gray sarcastically suggested.

The image of Autumn and her doctor boyfriend drinking at the Black Cat excited me. Maybe she would go there, and that bartender would finally catch her drinking again. It had been two weeks since Gray and I realized her games. I could only hope that this time, the bartender would remember her and do what we asked him to do. I had my fingers crossed.

I noticed Gray smirk and give me a knowing glance. I smiled as I continued reading my emails. I was sure Autumn would be humiliated if she was caught. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

Later on, I looked up at the clock and realized it was almost lunchtime. I quickly finished up my email and looked over at Gray. He had been watching me, and when our eyes met, he smiled. We both knew it was time for our lunch date.

We quietly slipped out of the office and made our way down the stairs. As we descended the stairs, Gray suddenly stopped and pulled me close. He brushed away a strand of my hair and kissed me deeply. Our lips were entwined in a passionate embrace.

I felt my face flush with warmth as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. My heart soared as I melted into his arms. When we finally broke apart, I looked into his eyes and smiled. We held hands as we continued down the stairs and made our way to the nearby park.

Once there, we found a quiet spot under a large tree and leaned in for a kiss. I felt a rush of excitement and butterflies in my stomach as my skin tingled with anticipation. His hands were gentle and warm as they wrapped around my waist, and I felt my heart flutter. I could feel the electricity between us as our lips touched, and I felt my entire body come alive.

We eventually let go of each other. I was in a state of constant anticipation, and my feelings intensified every time we were together. I didn't know how much longer I could last. My body was screaming at me to lose control with him. My heart yearned for him to lose control with me.

Gray brought a delicious picnic lunch for us to enjoy. He had packed sandwiches, chips, and some freshly cut fruit. We ate in comfortable silence, occasionally sharing a smile or a joke.

After lunch, we sat together and watched the birds flutter around the park. The sun was warm, and the air was filled with the scent of freshly cut grass. We enjoyed the peace and quiet of the park, feeling content and relaxed.

As we began to pack up and head back to the office, Gray's phone started ringing. He pulled it out of his back pocket.

"Who is it?" I asked impatiently.

"It's a video call from an unknown number." Gray smiled.

"We gotta go!" I said as he answered the call.

"We gotta go!" I said as he answered the call

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