Laid Back Night (Gray POV)

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Gray's POV

There should have been less tension since everything with Emily cleared up, but Gabriella still seemed on edge. The past few days, I noticed her being more jumpy than usual. She had been sleeping at my apartment every night, and I loved sleeping next to her, but it seemed she was scared to be in her own apartment. Whenever I brought it up, she claimed the project at work was stressing her out. I offered to help, but she declined.

It was the weekend, and I thought it would be nice for Gabriella to relax and have fun. I invited Alex, Emily, Charlotte, Dana, and Steve over to my place to play cards. Something laid back.

"Go fish!" Alex called out as he slammed one of his cards onto the table. He smiled as he only had two cards left.

"We're playing Crazy Eights!" Emily laughed.

"Shit, Alex is almost out." Dana grumbled as she studied her twelve cards in hand.

Steve chuckled as he tried to peek at her cards.

"Get out of here!" Dana moved her cards away.

With Charlotte's next turn, she laid a seven of hearts. I looked down at my cards again. All of my cards were clubs, but I did have a seven. I laid it down. Gabrielle sat next to me. She then laid down a seven of diamonds. Emily squealed before laying down a queen of diamonds. She only had two cards left.

"Thank you Emily!" Dana could finally lay down a card.

Steve shook his head as he had to pick up a card to add to his hand.

"No, thank you, Dana." Alex smirked as he laid down another card. He had one left.

"No!" Dana shouted.

"There's still a chance!" Charlotte quickly laid a card.

Everyone else quickly laid cards down as it got to their turn. Everything stopped when it was Alex's turn again. I smiled when I saw the glimmer in his eye disappear. He huffed and picked up a card.

"Woohoo!" Dana and Emily cheered.

The game continued with intensity. Alex got down to one card again but eventually ended up with five more. Surprisingly, Dana did manage to lose all but two of her cards. The lucky winner was the quiet Steve.

After a few card games, we all decided to play Password. We had an odd number of people, so Gabriella paired with me and then with Charlotte. The other pairs were Alex and Emily and then Dana and Steve.

When it was Alex and Emily's turn, it was amazing how quickly Alex got the word correctly.

"Foot." Emily gave him a clue.

"Shoe." Alex answered.

Emily read the next card, "Tuesday."


The next card, "Fish."

Alex smiled, "Dolphin."

Before Emily could read the next card, Dana interrupted. "What? A dolphin is a mammal, not a fish."

"I know, but I know that Emily says her favorite fish is the dolphin. One of her favorite animals." Alex replied.

I couldn't help but start to laugh. It's true. And, of course, Alex would know that.

Emily blushed.

"Time's up!" Charlotte looked down at the timer on her phone.

Gabriella and I were the winners of this game with the most words. No matter the clue she would give me, I knew what she was trying to tell me. But if I were the one to say the clues, I would have had to try to think of her way of thinking. It can seem very random at times. Another thing I love about her.

Though we were the winners, it was obvious Alex and Emily were a close second. He definitely understood her more than anyone else. Even I wouldn't have guessed correctly at some of her clues.

We all took a break from games. Quiet chatter filled the room. Everyone drank and ate snacks. I pulled Gabriella onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her.

"Having fun?" I whispered in her ear.

She shivered.

"Yes, this was really nice." She turned to kiss me on the cheek.

"Get a room!" Alex joked.

"Well this is my apartment. This couch has seen a lot of action." I laughed as I squeezed Gabriella tighter.

"Oh my god!" Gabriella playfully hit my arm. Her face was deep red.

There was a mix of amusement and disgust in the room. I noticed Gabriella smiling to herself as she tried to hide her face. How could anyone not love her?

Conversations and drinking resumed. It had been a successful night. At least, it seemed to be with how Emily started to notice Alex more. I think she noticed how much he pays attention to her.

I suggested to him to move slowly. To show he cares and pays attention to what Emily talks about. Really listen to her. Dylan couldn't even bother to know her favorite music. Emily deserved more.

As everyone began to leave for the night, I noticed Emily sway in her step.

I turned to Gabriella, "I don't think Emily should drive home."

She nodded. "Yeah let's just have her stay here tonight."

We smiled at each other. It felt so much better that things were back to normal.

I walked up to Emily. "Hey, Emi, if you need to, you can stay the night. I don't want you driving."

Emily shook her head. "No! You guys need privacy. Besides, I have a ride. Don't I, Alex?"

She turned to look up at Alex as he was in the middle of putting his jacket on.

He froze. "Oh, uh, yeah, for sure. I can drive you home." He smiled and discreetly gave me a thumbs-up.

"Score." Gabriella whispered next to me.

I chuckled as I watched them walk out the door. Now, the apartment was quiet. We could enjoy the peace before heading to bed. One of my favorite moments is crawling into bed with my love. Gabriella always looked so beautiful. Her oversized t-shirt and messy bun was the cutest look on her.

 Her oversized t-shirt and messy bun was the cutest look on her

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